@article{fdi:010060758, title = {{E}stimating aboveground biomass of oil palm : allometric equations for estimating frond biomass}, author = {{A}holoukpe, {H}. and {D}ubos, {B}. and {F}lori, {A}. and {D}eleporte, {P}. and {A}madji, {G}. and {C}hotte, {J}ean-{L}uc and {B}lavet, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}llometric equations were developed to estimate the biomass of oil palm frond with nontree-lethal methods. {T}he study was conducted in oil palm plantations belonging to the {O}il {P}alm {R}esearch {C}enter of the {I}nstitut {N}ational de {R}echerches {A}gricoles du {B}enin ({INRAB}) and to neighboring smallholders oil palm plantations. {C}omplete measurements of individual fronds biomass and measurements of predictor variables were made by two methods: (1) a tree-lethal (destructive) method and (2) a nontree-lethal method. {M}easurements were done on 25 palm trees of several ages and from different genetic origins. {F}rond variables measured were: length ({L}) and dry weight ({DW}) of the petiole and rachis, dry weight of leaflets, dry weight of a fragment (length = 0.30 m) taken from mid way along the rachis, thickness and width of the petiole cross section (junction of petiole and rachis). {L}inear regressions were established with biomass data obtained for different parts of the palm frond by the two methods. {T}he results showed that up to rank 9, frond biomass increased with frond position in the crown. {F}rom rank 10, fronds were mature and their biomass showed a nearly constant value independently of rank. {T}hese results led to the establishment of a simple equation to estimate frond biomass based on rachis dry weight: {DW}frond = 1.147 + 2.135 * {DW}rachis ({R}-2 = 0.62). {T}his relationship is closer than {C}orley's one based on the cross section of the petiole ({R}-2 = 0.22). {R}achis dry weight can easily be estimated ({R}-2 = 0.94) using rachis length and linear density (or mass per length) of a fragment of 0.30 m taken from mid way along the rachis. {T}he equation is: {DW}rachis = 1.133*{L}-rachis* {DW}fragment/0.30. {T}he study also showed that one of the applications of our allometric equations is the determination of the average dry weight of mature fronds from at least three mature fronds (rank > 10). {T}his could allow an estimate of the annual production of oil palm fronds biomass, and then the estimate of fronds carbon stock. {T}he latter could contribute to the assessment of environmental impact of forest conversion into oil palm plantations.}, keywords = {{A}llometric equations ; {A}bove ground biomass ; {F}rond biomass ; {C}arbon stocks ; {O}il palm ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}orest {E}cology and {M}anagement}, volume = {292}, numero = {}, pages = {122--129}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2012.11.027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060758}, }