@article{fdi:010060745, title = {{C}ontrasting parasite communities among allopatric colour morphs of the {L}ake {T}anganyika cichlid {T}ropheus}, author = {{R}aeymaekers, {J}. {A}. {M}. and {H}ablutzel, {P}. {I}. and {G}regoir, {A}. {F}. and {B}amps, {J}. and {R}oose, {A}. {K}. and {V}anhove, {M}. {P}. {M}. and {V}an {S}teenberge, {M}. and {P}ariselle, {A}ntoine and {H}uyse, {T}. and {S}noeks, {J}. and {V}olckaert, {F}. {A}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {A}daptation to different ecological environments is thought to drive ecological speciation. {T}his phenomenon culminates in the radiations of cichlid fishes in the {A}frican {G}reat {L}akes. {M}ultiple characteristic traits of cichlids, targeted by natural or sexual selection, are considered among the driving factors of these radiations. {P}arasites and pathogens have been suggested to initiate or accelerate speciation by triggering both natural and sexual selection. {T}hree prerequisites for parasite-driven speciation can be inferred from ecological speciation theory. {T}he first prerequisite is that different populations experience divergent infection levels. {T}he second prerequisite is that these infection levels cause divergent selection and facilitate adaptive divergence. {T}he third prerequisite is that parasite-driven adaptive divergence facilitates the evolution of reproductive isolation. {H}ere we investigate the first and the second prerequisite in allopatric chromatically differentiated lineages of the rock-dwelling cichlid {T}ropheus spp. from southern {L}ake {T}anganyika ({C}entral {A}frica). {M}acroparasite communities were screened in eight populations belonging to five different colour morphs. {R}esults: {P}arasite communities were mainly composed of acanthocephalans, nematodes, monogeneans, copepods, branchiurans, and digeneans. {I}n two consecutive years (2011 and 2012), we observed significant variation across populations for infection with acanthocephalans, nematodes, monogeneans of the genera {G}yrodactylus and {C}ichlidogyrus, and the copepod {E}rgasilus spp. {O}verall, parasite community composition differed significantly between populations of different colour morphs. {D}ifferences in parasite community composition were stable in time. {T}he genetic structure of {T}ropheus populations was strong and showed a significant isolation-by-distance pattern, confirming that spatial isolation is limiting host dispersal. {C}orrelations between parasite community composition and {T}ropheus genetic differentiation were not significant, suggesting that host dispersal does not influence parasite community diversification. {C}onclusions: {S}ubject to alternating episodes of isolation and secondary contact because of lake level fluctuations, {T}ropheus colour morphs are believed to accumulate and maintain genetic differentiation through a combination of vicariance, philopatric behaviour and mate discrimination. {P}rovided that the observed contrasts in parasitism facilitate adaptive divergence among populations in allopatry (which is the current situation), and promote the evolution of reproductive isolation during episodes of sympatry, parasites might facilitate speciation in this genus.}, keywords = {{A}daptive divergence ; {E}ctoparasite ; {E}ndoparasite ; {E}cological speciation ; {H}ost-parasite associations ; {N}atural selection ; {P}arasite-driven speciation ; {S}exual selection}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}mc {E}volutionary {B}iology}, volume = {13}, numero = {}, pages = {41}, ISSN = {1471-2148}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1186/1471-2148-13-41}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060745}, }