@article{fdi:010060718, title = {{G}enetic variation and exchange in {T}rypanosoma cruzi isolates from the {U}nited {S}tates}, author = {{R}oellig, {D}. {M}. and {S}avage, {M}. {Y}. and {F}ujita, {A}. {W}. and {B}arnab{\'e}, {C}hristian and {T}ibayrenc, {M}ichel and {S}teurer, {F}. {J}. and {Y}absley, {M}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}rypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of {C}hagas disease, is a multiclonal parasite with high levels of genetic diversity and broad host and geographic ranges. {M}olecular characterization of {S}outh {A}merican isolates of {T}. cruzi has demonstrated homologous recombination and nuclear hybridization, as well as the presence of 6 main genetic clusters or "discrete typing units' ({DTU}s). {F}ew studies have extensively investigated such exchange events and genetic diversity in {N}orth {A}merican isolates. {I}n the current study, we genetically characterized over 50 {US} isolates from wildlife reservoirs (e.g., raccoons, opossums, armadillos, skunks), domestic dogs, humans, nonhuman primates, and reduviid vectors from nine states ({TX}, {CA}, {OK}, {SC}, {FL}, {GA}, {MD}, {LA}, {TN}) using a multilocus sequencing method. {S}ingle nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in sequences of the mismatch-repair class 2 ({MSH}2) and {T}c52 genes. {T}yping based on the two genes often paralleled genotyping by classic methodologies using mini-exon and 18{S} and 24{S} alpha r{RNA} genes. {E}vidence for genetic exchange was obtained by comparing sequence phylogenies of nuclear and mitochondrial gene targets, dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase ({DHFR}-{TS}) and the cytochrome oxidase subunit {II}- {NADH} dehydrogenase subunit {I} region ({COII}-{ND}1), respectively. {W}e observed genetic exchange in several {US} isolates as demonstrated by incongruent mitochondrial and nuclear genes phylogenies, which confirms a previous finding of a single genetic exchange event in a {F}lorida isolate. {T}he presence of {SNP}s and evidence of genetic exchange illustrates that strains from the {US} are genetically diverse, even though only two phylogenetic lineages have been identified in this region.}, keywords = {{AMERIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {8}, numero = {2}, pages = {e56198}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0056198}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060718}, }