@article{fdi:010060674, title = {{V}ariability of water temperature may influence food-chain length in temperate streams}, author = {{H}ette-{T}ronquart, {N}. and {R}oussel, {J}. {M}. and {D}umont, {B}. and {A}rchaimbault, {V}. and {P}ont, {D}. and {O}berdorff, {T}hierry and {B}elliard, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ood-chain length ({FCL}) is commonly used in ecological investigations to gain insight into how ecosystems function. {S}everal studies have investigated the mechanisms underlying {FCL} patterns, but none has specifically examined the effect of temperature variability. {I}n river ecosystems, water temperature variability can modify community structure, individuals' activity, and individuals' physiological rates, among other things. {A}s such, we expected that it would negatively influence {FCL}. {T}o test this prediction, we took advantage of a dataset comprising five streams, which mainly differ according to their temperature variability. {A}t each stream, we (i) studied the species composition of macroinvertebrates and fish, and using nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes, (ii) estimated realized {FCL}, and (iii) examined food web structure. {F}or macroinvertebrates, but not for fish, species composition differed among sites displaying low and high temperature variability. {FCL} was negatively influenced by temperature variability. {C}onfirming this trend, we found a highly significant linear relationship between {FCL} and temperature variability using data from the literature. {A}s for food web structure, the trophic position of filter-feeders/shredders may explain the {FCL} differences among sites. {O}ur study gives additional support to the "dynamic stability" hypothesis and advances a step further by suggesting that temperature variability alone may reduce {FCL}.}, keywords = {{S}table isotopes ; {T}rophic position ; {F}ood web ; {M}acroinvertebrates ; {S}almo ; trutta ; {C}ottus gobio}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrobiologia}, volume = {718}, numero = {1}, pages = {159--172}, ISSN = {0018-8158}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s10750-013-1613-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060674}, }