@article{fdi:010060653, title = {{P}terygodermatites ({M}esopectines) quentini ({N}ematoda, {R}ictulariidae), a parasite of {P}raomys rostratus ({R}odentia, {M}uridae) in {M}ali : scanning electron and light microscopy}, author = {{D}iouf, {M}. and {Q}uilichini, {Y}. and {G}ranjon, {L}aurent and {B}a, {C}. {T}. and {M}archand, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}terygodermatites ({M}esopectines) quentini n. sp. ({N}ematoda, {R}ictulariidae) is described from the murine host {P}raomys rostratus in the south of the {R}epublic of {M}ali. {I}t differs from other species of the subgenus by the morphology of the head, which bears four simple cephalic papillae and a nearly axial oral opening, the number of caudal papillae, the number of precloacal cuticular formations, unequal spicules and the ratio of spicule lengths/body length. {T}he use of scanning electron microscopy in combination with conventional light microscopy enabled us to give a detailed description of the morphological characters of this new species.}, keywords = {{P}arasitic nematode ; {P}terygodermatites ; {M}esopectines ; {R}odent ; {M}ali ; {SEM} ; {MALI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasite}, volume = {20}, numero = {}, pages = {30}, ISSN = {1252-607{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1051/parasite/2013032}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060653}, }