@article{fdi:010060651, title = {{S}eismic structure and activity of the north-central {L}esser {A}ntilles subduction zone from an integrated approach : similarities with the {T}ohoku forearc}, author = {{L}aigle, {M}. and {H}irn, {A}. and {S}apin, {M}. and {B}ecel, {A}. and {C}harvis, {P}hilippe and {F}lueh, {E}. and {D}iaz, {J}. and {L}ebrun, {J}. {F}. and {G}esret, {A}. and {R}affaele, {R}. and {G}alve, {A}. and {E}vain, {M}. and {R}uiz, {M}. and {K}opp, {H}. and {B}ayrakci, {G}. and {W}einzierl, {W}. and {H}ello, {Y}ann and {L}epine, {J}. {C}. and {V}iode, {J}. {P}. and {S}achpazi, {M}. and {G}allart, {J}. and {K}issling, {E}. and {N}icolich, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he 300-km-long north-central segment of the {L}esser {A}ntilles subduction zone, including {M}artinique and {G}uadeloupe islands has been the target of a specific approach to the seismic structure and activity by a cluster of active and passive offshore-onshore seismic experiments. {T}he top of the subducting plate can be followed under the wide accretionary wedge by multichannel reflection seismics. {T}his reveals the hidden updip limit of the contact of the upper plate crustal backstop onto the slab. {T}wo {OBS} refraction seismic profiles from the volcanic arc throughout the forearc domain constrain a 26-km-large crustal thickness all along. {I}n the common assumption that the upper plate {M}oho contact on the slab is a proxy of its downdip limit these new observations imply a three times larger width of the potential interplate seismogenic zone under the marine domain of the {C}aribbean plate with respect to a regular intra-oceanic subduction zone. {T}owards larger depth under the mantle corner, the top of the slab imaged from the conversions of teleseismic body-waves and the locations of earthquakes appears with kinks which increase the dip to 10-20 degrees under the forearc domain, and then to 60 degrees from 70 km depth. {A}t 145 km depth under the volcanic arc just north of {M}artinique, the 2007 {M} 7.4 earthquake, largest for half a century in the region, allows to document a deep slab deformation consistent with segmentation into slab panels. {I}n relation with this occurrence, an increased seismic activity over the whole depth range provides a new focussed image thanks to the {OBS} and land deployments. {A} double-planed dipping slab seismicity is thus now resolved, as originally discovered in {T}ohoku ({NE} {J}apan) and since in other subduction zones. {T}wo other types of seismic activity uniquely observed in {T}ohoku, are now resolved here: "supraslab" earthquakes with normal-faulting focal mechanisms reliably located in the mantle corner and "deep flat-thrust" earthquakes at 45 km depth on the interplate fault under the {C}aribbean plate forearc mantle. {N}one such types of seismicity should occur under the paradigm of a regular peridotitic mantle of the upper plate which is expected to be serpentinized by the fluids provided from the dehydrating slab beneath. {T}his process is commonly considered as limiting the downward extent of the interplate coupling. {I}nterpretations are not readily available either for the large crustal thickness of this shallow water marine upper plate, except when remarking its likeness to oceanic plateaus formed above hotspots. {T}he {C}aribbean {O}ceanic {P}lateau of the upper plate has been formed earlier by the material advection from a mantle plume. {I}t could then be underlain by a correspondingly modified, heterogeneous mantle, which may include pyroxenitic material among peridotites. {S}uch heterogeneity in the mantle corner of the present subduction zone may account for the notable peculiarities in seismic structure and activity and impose regions of stick-slip behavior on the interplate among stable-gliding areas.}, keywords = {{L}esser {A}ntilles subduction zone ; {R}eflection and refraction seismics ; {L}ocal earthquakes study by land- and {OBS}-networks ; 2011 {M}w 9 {T}ohoku-{O}ki earthquake ; {C}aribbean {O}ceanic {P}lateau ; {C}hemical heterogeneity within the mantle wedge ; {ANTILLES} {FRANCAISES} ; {JAPON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonophysics}, volume = {603}, numero = {}, pages = {1--20}, ISSN = {0040-1951}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tecto.2013.05.043}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060651}, }