@article{fdi:010060630, title = {{G}lobal agricultural expansion and carnivore conservation biogeography}, author = {{D}obrovolski, {R}. and {L}oyola, {R}. {D}. and {G}uilhaumon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {G}ouveia, {S}. {F}. and {D}iniz, {J}. {A}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}lobal conservation prioritization must address conflicting land uses. {W}e tested for spatial congruence between agricultural expansion in the 21st century and priority areas for carnivore conservation worldwide. {W}e evaluated how including agricultural expansion data in conservation planning reduces such congruence and estimated the consequences of such an approach for the performance of resulting priority area networks. {W}e investigated the correlation between projections of agricultural expansion and the solutions of global spatial prioritizations for carnivore conservation through the implementation of different goals: (1) purely maximizing species representation and (2) representing species while avoiding sites under high pressure for agriculture expansion. {W}e also evaluated the performance of conservation solutions based on species' representation and their spatial congruence with established global prioritization schemes. {P}riority areas for carnivore conservation were spatially correlated with future agricultural distribution and were more similar to global conservation schemes with high vulnerability. {I}ncorporating future agricultural expansion in the site selection process substantially reduced spatial correlation with agriculture, resulting in a spatial solution more similar to global conservation schemes with low vulnerability. {A}ccounting for agricultural expansion resulted in a lower representation of species, as the average proportion of the range represented reduced from 58% to 32%. {W}e propose that priorities for carnivore conservation could be integrated into a strategy that concentrates different conservation actions towards areas where they are likely to be more effective regarding agricultural expansion.}, keywords = {{A}griculture ; {G}lobal biodiversity conservation priorities ; {IMAGE} ; {M}ammal conservation ; {S}patial prioritization ; {Z}onation ; {MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {C}onservation}, volume = {165}, numero = {}, pages = {162--170}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biocon.2013.06.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060630}, }