@article{fdi:010060626, title = {{A} software package and hardware tools for in situ experiments in a {L}agrangian reference frame}, author = {{D}oglioli, {A}. {M}. and {N}encioli, {F}. and {P}etrenko, {A}. {A}. and {R}ougier, {G}. and {F}uda, {J}ean-luc and {G}rima, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {L}agrangian {T}ransport {E}xperiment ({LATEX}) was developed to study the influence of coupled physical and biogeochemical dynamics at the meso- and submesoscales on the transfers of matter and heat between the coastal zone and the open ocean. {O}ne of the goals of the {L}atex10 field experiment, conducted during {S}eptember 2010 in the {G}ulf of {L}ion (northwest {M}editerranean), was to mark a dynamical mesoscale feature by releasing a passive tracer [sulfur hexafluoride ({SF}6)] together with an array of {L}agrangian buoys. {T}he goal was to release the tracer in an initial patch as homogeneous as possible in the horizontal, and to study its turbulent mixing and dispersion while minimizing the contribution due to advection. {F}or that, it was necessary to continuously adjust the vessel route in order to remain as closely as possible in the {L}agrangian reference frame moving with the investigated mesoscale structure. {T}o accomplish this task, a methodology and software were developed, which are presented here. {T}he software is equipped with a series of graphical and user-friendly accessories and the entire package for {MATLAB} can be freely downloaded ().}, keywords = {{D}ispersion ; {L}agrangian circulation transport ; {S}hip observations ; {T}racers ; {E}xperimental design ; {S}oftware ; {MEDITEREANEE} ; {GOLFE} {DU} {LION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {T}echnology}, volume = {30}, numero = {8}, pages = {1940--1950}, ISSN = {0739-0572}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1175/jtech-d-12-00183.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060626}, }