@article{fdi:010060611, title = {{R}efined rupture-velocity estimation of the 2009 {L}'{A}quila earthquake ({M}(w)6.3, {C}entral {I}taly) derived from apparent source time functions}, author = {{O}refice, {A}. and {V}all{\'e}e, {M}artin and {B}alestra, {J}. and {D}elouis, {B}. and {Z}ollo, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we obtain an accurate estimation of the rupture velocity of the 6 {A}pril 2009 {M}-w 6.3 {L}'{A}quila earthquake ({C}entral {A}pennines) by analyzing its apparent source time functions ({ASTF}s). {T}hese {ASTF}s have been extracted by deconvolving an empirical {G}reen's function ({EGF}) at seismic stations located 200-800 km from the earthquake. {F}rom the study of duration, shape, and directivity of {ASTF}s at numerous and well-distributed stations, we show that the area between the two main slip patches of the earthquake ruptured at a relatively slow velocity (1: 6 km/s). {W}e next validate simultaneously the {ASTF}s and the slip model independently obtained through the joint inversion of strong-motion, broadband teleseismic, {G}lobal {P}ositioning {S}ystem, and {I}nterferometric {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar data. {T}he good agreement in shape and duration between the observed and theoretical {ASTF}s is an indication for the reliability of the inferred source model and for the robustness of the rupture velocity estimations of this study.}, keywords = {{ITALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin of the {S}eismological {S}ociety of {A}merica}, volume = {103}, numero = {4}, pages = {2474--2481}, ISSN = {0037-1106}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1785/0120120255}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060611}, }