@article{fdi:010060604, title = {{H}ow to coexist with fire ants : the roles of behaviour and cuticular compounds}, author = {{R}oux, {O}livier and {R}ossi, {V}. and {C}ereghino, {R}. and {C}ompin, {A}. and {M}artin, {J}. {M}. and {D}ejean, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ecause territoriality is energetically costly, territorial animals frequently respond less aggressively to neighbours than to strangers, a reaction known as the "dear enemy phenomenon" ({DEP}). {T}he contrary, the "nasty neighbour effect" ({NNE}), occurs mainly for group-living species defending resource-based territories. {W}e studied the relationships between supercolonies of the pest fire ant {S}olenopsis saevissima and eight ant species able to live in the vicinity of its nests plus {E}citon burchellii, an army ant predator of other ants. {T}he workers from all of the eight ant species behaved submissively when confronted with {S}. saevissima (dominant) individuals, whereas the contrary was never true. {Y}et, {S}. saevissima were submissive towards {E}. burchellii workers. {B}oth {DEP} and {NNE} were observed for the eight ant species, with submissive behaviours less frequent in the case of {DEP}. {T}o distinguish what is due to chemical cues from what can be attributed to behaviour, we extracted cuticular compounds from all of the nine ant species compared and transferred them onto a number of {S}. saevissima workers that were then confronted with untreated conspecifics. {T}he cuticular compounds from three species, particularly {E}. burchellii, triggered greater aggressiveness by {S}. saevissima workers, while those from the other species did not.}, keywords = {{A}ggressiveness ; {C}uticular hydrocarbons ; {D}ear enemy phenomenon ; {N}asty neighbour effect ; {S}pecies coexistence ; {S}upercoloniality ; {GUYANE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ehavioural {P}rocesses}, volume = {98}, numero = {}, pages = {51--57}, ISSN = {0376-6357}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.beproc.2013.04.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060604}, }