@article{fdi:010060603, title = {{B}ioindicators of climate and trophic state in lowland and highland aquatic ecosystems of the {N}orthern {N}eotropics}, author = {{P}erez, {L}. and {L}orenschat, {J}. and {M}assaferro, {J}. and {P}ailles, {C}. and {S}ylvestre, {F}lorence and {H}ollwedel, {W}. and {B}randorff, {G}.{O}. and {B}renner, {M}. and {I}slebe, {G}. and {L}ozano, {M}.{D}. and {S}charf, {B}. and {S}chwalb, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hironomids, diatoms and microcrustaceans that inhabit aquatic ecosystems of the {N}orthern {N}eotropics are abundant and diverse. {S}ome species are highly sensitive to changes in water chemical composition and trophic state. {T}his study was undertaken as a first step in developing transfer functions to infer past environmental conditions in the {N}orthern lowland {N}eotropics. {B}ioindicator species abundances were related to multiple environmental variables to exploit their use as environmental and paleoenvironmental indicators. {W}e collected and analyzed water and surface sediment samples from 63 waterbodies located along a broad trophic state gradient and steep gradients of altitude (similar to 0-1 560m.a.s.l.) and precipitation (similar to 400-3 200mm/y), from {NW} {Y}ucatan {P}eninsula ({M}exico) to southern {G}uatemala. {W}e related 14 limnological variables to relative abundances of 282 diatom species, 66 chironomid morphospecies, 51 species of cladocerans, 29 non-marine ostracode species and six freshwater calanoid copepods. {M}ultivariate statistics indicated that bicarbonate is the strongest driver of chironomid and copepod distribution. {T}rophic state is the second most important factor that determines chironomid distribution. {C}onductivity, which is related to the precipitation gradient and marine influence on the {Y}ucatan {P}eninsula, is the main variable that shapes diatom, ostracode and cladoceran communities. {D}iatoms, chironomids and cladocerans displayed higher diversities ({H}=2.4-2.6) than ostracodes and copepods ({H}=0.7-1.8). {S}pecies richness and diversity were greater at lower elevations (<450m.a.s.l.) than at higher elevations in {G}uatemala. {D}istribution and diversity of bioindicators are influenced by multiple factors including altitude, precipitation, water chemistry, trophic state and human impact.}, keywords = {microcrustaceans ; chironomid ; diatom ; aquatic ecosystems ; bioindicators ; {N}orthern {N}eotropics ; autecology ; diversity ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {AMERIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista de {B}iologia {T}ropical}, volume = {61}, numero = {2}, pages = {603--644}, ISSN = {0034-7744}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060603}, }