@article{fdi:010060596, title = {{E}ffects of hydrostatic pressure on growth and luminescence of a moderately-piezophilic luminous bacteria {P}hotobacterium phosphoreum {ANT}-2200}, author = {{M}artini, {S}. and {A}l {A}li, {B}. and {G}arel, {M}. and {N}erini, {D}. and {G}rossi, {V}. and {P}acton, {M}. and {C}asalot, {L}aurence and {C}uny, {P}. and {T}amburini, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}acterial bioluminescence is commonly found in the deep sea and depends on environmental conditions. {P}hotobacterium phosphoreum {ANT}-2200 has been isolated from the {NW} {M}editerranean {S}ea at 2200-m depth (in situ temperature of 13 degrees {C}) close to the {ANTARES} neutrino telescope. {T}he effects of hydrostatic pressure on its growth and luminescence have been investigated under controlled laboratory conditions, using a specifically developed high-pressure bioluminescence system. {T}he growth rate and the maximum population density of the strain were determined at different temperatures (from 4 to 37 degrees {C}) and pressures (from 0.1 to 40 {MP}a), using the logistic model to define these two growth parameters. {I}ndeed, using the growth rate only, no optimal temperature and pressure could be determined. {H}owever, when both growth rate and maximum population density were jointly taken into account, a cross coefficient was calculated. {B}y this way, the optimum growth conditions for {P}. phosphoreum {ANT}-2200 were found to be 30 degrees {C} and, 10 {MP}a defining this strain as mesophile and moderately piezophile. {M}oreover, the ratio of unsaturated vs. saturated cellular fatty acids was found higher at 22 {MP}a, in agreement with previously described piezophile strains. {P}. phosphoreum {ANT}-2200 also appeared to respond to high pressure by forming cell aggregates. {I}ts maximum population density was 1.2 times higher, with a similar growth rate, than at 0.1 {MP}a. {S}train {ANT}-2200 grown at 22 {MP}a produced 3 times more bioluminescence. {T}he proposed approach, mimicking, as close as possible, the in situ conditions, could help studying deep-sea bacterial bioluminescence and validating hypotheses concerning its role into the carbon cycle in the deep ocean.}, keywords = {{MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {8}, numero = {6}, pages = {e66580}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0066580}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060596}, }