@article{fdi:010060589, title = {{P}lasmodium falciparum infection during dry season : {I}g{G} responses to {A}nopheles gambiae salivary g{SG}6-{P}1 peptide as sensitive biomarker for malaria risk in {N}orthern {S}enegal}, author = {{S}agna, {A}.{B}. and {G}aayeb, {L}. and {S}arr, {J}.{B}. and {S}enghor, {S}. and {P}oinsignon, {A}nne and {B}outouaba-{C}ombe, {S}. and {S}chacht, {A}.{M}. and {H}ermann, {E}. and {F}aye, {N}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck and {R}iveau, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}he {N}orthern part of {S}enegal is characterized by a low and seasonal transmission of malaria. {H}owever, some {P}lasmodium falciparum infections and malaria clinical cases are reported during the dry season. {T}his study aims to assess the relationship between {I}g{G} antibody ({A}b) responses to g{SG}6-{P}1 mosquito salivary peptide and the prevalence of {P}. falciparum infection in children during the dry season in the {S}enegal {R}iver {V}alley. {T}he positive association of the {A}b response to g{SG}6-{P}1, as biomarker of human exposure to {A}nopheles vector bite, and {P}. falciparum infectious status (uninfected, infected-asymptomatic or infected-symptomatic) will allow considering this biomarker as a potential indicator of {P}. falciparum infection risk during the dry season. {M}ethods: {M}icroscopic examination of thick blood smears was performed in 371 and 310 children at the start ({J}anuary) and at the end ({J}une) of the dry season, respectively, in order to assess the prevalence of {P}. falciparum infection. {C}ollected sera were used to evaluate {I}g{G} response to g{SG}6-{P}1 by {ELISA}. {A}ssociation between parasitological and clinical data (infected-asymptomatic or infected-symptomatic) and the anti-g{SG}6-{P}1 {I}g{G} levels were evaluated during this period. {R}esults: {T}he prevalence of {P}. falciparum infection was very low to moderate according to the studied period and was higher in {J}anuary (23.5%) compared to {J}une (3.5%). {S}pecific {I}g{G} response was also different between uninfected children and asymptomatic carriers of the parasite. {C}hildren with {P}. falciparum infection in the dry season showed higher {I}g{G} {A}b levels to g{SG}6-{P}1 than uninfected children. {C}onclusions: {T}he results strengthen the hypothesis that malaria transmission is maintained during the dry season in an area of low and seasonal transmission. {T}he measurement of {I}g{G} responses to g{SG}6-{P}1 salivary peptide could be a pertinent indicator of human malaria reservoir or infection risk in this particular epidemiological context. {T}his promising immunological marker could be useful for the evaluation of the risk of {P}. falciparum exposure observed during dry season and, by consequences, could be used for the survey of potential pre-elimination situation.}, keywords = {{D}ry season ; {P}lasmodium infection ; {A}nti-salivary peptide ; {M}alaria ; pre-elimination ; {S}enegal {R}iver {V}alley ; {A}nopheles exposure ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {12}, numero = {}, pages = {301}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1186/1475-2875-12-301}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060589}, }