@article{fdi:010060572, title = {{M}anaging {M}editerranean nurse plants-mediated effects on soil microbial functions to improve rock phosphate solubilization processes and early growth of {C}upressus atlantica {G}}, author = {{H}afidi, {M}. and {O}uahmane, {L}. and {T}hioulouse, {J}. and {S}anguin, {H}. and {B}oumezzough, {A}. and {P}rin, {Y}. and {B}audoin, {E}z{\'e}kiel and {G}aliana, {A}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he main objective was to evaluate the impact of nurse plant species commonly found in {M}editerranean areas ({L}avandula dentata and {T}hymus satureoides) on microbial soil functions, on the native inoculum potential of {AM} fungi involved in the rock phosphate weathering and to measure the potential benefits to the growth of {A}tlas {C}ypress ({C}upressus atlantica {G}.), an endemic {C}upressacea of {M}orocco. {S}oils collected from an old {C}. atlantica forest and pre-cultivated with each of the target plant species ({L}. dentata and {T}. satureoides). {A}fter 5 months of cultivation, they were uprooted and the treated substrate was amended or not with {K}houribga {R}ock {P}hosphate ({KRP}). {T}hen pots were filled with the soil mixtures and planted with one pre-germinated seed of {C}. atlantica. {T}he results show that pre-cultivation step with native mycotrophic plant species improves the mycorrhizal soil infectivity, modifies soil microbial functionalities and increases the impact of rock phosphate amendment on the {C}. atlantica growth. {T}his low cost cultivation practice by improving forest plant development and cultural soil quality constitutes a promising ecological engineering tool to improve the performances of ecosystem restoration.}, keywords = {{A}rbuscular mycorrhizas ; {D}iversity ; {N}urse plants ; {S}oil functional abilities ; {R}ock phosphate ; {M}orocco ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {E}ngineering}, volume = {57}, numero = {}, pages = {57--64}, ISSN = {0925-8574}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.04.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060572}, }