@article{fdi:010060553, title = {{G}ymnocranius superciliosus and {G}ymnocranius satoi, two new large-eye breams ({S}paroidea : {L}ethrinidae) from the {C}oral {S}ea and adjacent regions}, author = {{B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {B}earez, {P}. and {P}aijo, {S}. and {C}hen, {W}.{J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo related perciform fish species of the subfamily {M}onotaxinae ({S}paroidea: {L}ethrinidae) {G}ymnocranius superciliosus sp. nov. and {G}ymnocranius satoi sp. nov. are described from specimens and tissue samples from the {C}oral {S}ea and adjacent regions. {G}. superciliosus sp. nov. is distinct from all other known {G}ymnocranius spp. by the following combination of characters: body elongated (depth 2.7-3.1 in standard length), caudal fin moderately forked with a subtle middle notch, its lobes slightly convex inside, distinctive blackish eyebrow, snout and cheek with blue speckles, and dorsal, pectoral, anal and caudal fins reddish. {G}. satoi sp. nov. is the red-finned '{G}ymnocranius sp.' depicted in previous taxonomic revisions. {W}hile colour patterns are similar between the two species, {G}. satoi sp. nov. is distinct from {G}. superciliosus sp. nov. by the ratio of standard length to body depth (2.4-2.5 vs. 2.7-3.1) and by the shape of the caudal fin, which is more shallowly forked, its lobes convex inside and their extremities rounded. {T}he two species are genetically distinct from each other and they are genetically distinct from {G}. elongatus, {G}. euanus, {G}. grandoculis, and {G}. oblongus sampled from the {C}oral {S}ea and adjacent regions.}, keywords = {{G}ymnocranius sp. ; {T}orao {S}ato ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; {C}ytochrome b ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus {B}iologies}, volume = {336}, numero = {4}, pages = {233--240}, ISSN = {1631-0691}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.crvi.2013.06.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060553}, }