@article{fdi:010060547, title = {{F}lower-visiting records of the native bees of {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{D}onovan, {B}.{J}. and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {P}auly, {A}. and {M}c{P}herson, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he flower-visiting records for the 43 species of bees considered to be native to {N}ew {C}aledonia show that females of 21 species visited 116 native species of plants in 69 genera and 41 families, and the bees were documented to carry pollen from 64 species and possibly four more. {T}he plant families with the greatest number of species documented for visits by female bees were, in descending order: {M}yrtaceae (21), {D}illeniaceae (10), {C}unoniaceae (nine), {A}raliaceae (seven), {F}abaceae (seven, encompassing the {C}aesalpinioideae, {M}imosoideae, and {P}apilionoideae), {G}oodeniaceae (five), {P}roteaceae (five), {A}pocynaceae (four), {S}apindaceae (four), and remaining families with one to three species. {F}emales of six and possibly one more species carried pollen from each of {D}illeniaceae and {M}yrtaceae, six carried pollen from {A}raliaceae, five from {G}oodeniaceae, four and possibly one more from {C}unoniaceae, four from each of {F}abaceae and {S}apindaceae, and none to three from the remaining 34 families observed. {F}or introduced plants, female bees of 12 species visited 54 species in 43 genera among 19 plant families and were documented to carry pollen from 31 and possibly one more species. {F}or introduced plants, families with the highest number of species visited by female bees, in descending order, were: {A}steraceae (12); {F}abaceae (eight); {V}erbenaceae (seven); and {E}uphorbiaceae, {M}yrtaceae, and {S}olanaceae each with three. {T}he remaining 13 families had either one or two species visited by bees. {F}emales of seven species of bees carried pollen from {F}abaceae, six from {A}steraceae, three each from {M}yrtaceae and {S}olanaceae, and none to "2 + 1?" (two or possibly three) from remaining families. {O}nly half a dozen species of native bees can be considered to be common, in that they can be expected to be observed reasonably regularly on a range of flowers. {T}he ubiquitous introduced honey bee {A}pis mellifera {L}. and its constant foraging for nectar and pollen on a very wide range of flowers may outcompete many species of native bees, potentially reducing their numbers, and consequently obscuring their relationships with the flora.}, keywords = {{A}pis ; {A}raliaceae ; competitive foraging pressure ; {C}unoniaceae ; {D}illeniaceae ; {F}abaceae ; flower-visiting records ; {G}oodeniaceae ; introduced honey bee ; {M}yrtaceae ; native bees ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; {P}roteaceae ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnals of the {M}issouri {B}otanical {G}arden}, volume = {99}, numero = {1}, pages = {19--43}, ISSN = {0026-6493}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.3417/2010076}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060547}, }