@article{fdi:010060544, title = {{F}unctional relationships between plant feeding and prey feeding for a zoophytophagous bug}, author = {{H}amdi, {F}. and {C}hadoeuf, {J}. and {B}onato, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he consumption of plants by the zoophytophagous bug {M}acrolophus pygmaeus {R}ambur ({H}eteroptera : {M}iridae) in relation to the presence or absence of prey is monitored for 7 days. {T}obacco plants enriched with {N}-15, a stable, nonradioactive isotope of nitrogen, are used for characterization. {I}n the absence of prey, the relationship between time and {N}-15 content (which equates to plant feeding) is linear, with a constant daily accumulation of {N}-15; however, if prey are available, the mathematical relationship becomes curvilinear. {F}rom day 1 to day 5, feeding on plants is independent of the consumption of prey. {T}he rate of {N}-15 accumulation decreases in the presence of prey after day 5, whereas the number of prey eaten remains unchanged.}, keywords = {{N}-15 content ; {M}acrolophus pygmaeus ; phytophagy ; stable isotope ; zoophytophagy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hysiological {E}ntomology}, volume = {38}, numero = {3}, pages = {241--245}, ISSN = {0307-6962}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/phen.12028}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060544}, }