@article{fdi:010060506, title = {{D}irect dating of thick- and thin-skin thrusts in the {P}eruvian {S}ubandean zone through apatite ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e and fission track thermochronometry}, author = {{G}autheron, {C}. and {E}spurt, {N}. and {B}arbarand, {J}. and {R}oddaz, {M}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {B}russet, {S}. and {T}assan-{G}ot, {L}. and {D}ouville, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough the structure of the central {P}eruvian {S}ubandean zone is well defined, the timing of thrust-related exhumation and {C}enozoic sedimentation remain poorly constrained. {I}n this study, we report new apatite ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e ({AH}e) and fission track ({AFT}) ages from thrust-belt and foreland strata along three published balanced cross sections. {AH}e data from the northern, thick-skinned domain (i.e. {S}hira {M}ountain, {O}tishi {C}ordillera and {U}cayali {B}asin) show young {AH}e ages (ranging from 2.6 +/- 0.2 to 13.1 +/- 0.8 {M}a) compared with {AFT} ages (ranging from 101 +/- 5 to 133 +/- 11 {M}a). {I}n the southern {C}amisea {B}asin, where deformation is mainly thin-skinned, {AH}e and {AFT} ages have been both reset and show young cooling ages (3.7 +/- 0.8 {M}a and 8 +/- 2 {M}a respectively). {U}sing low-temperature thermochronology data and the latest fission track annealing and {H}e diffusion codes, the thermal history of the study area has been reconstructed using inverse modelling. {T}his history includes two steps of erosion: {E}arly {C}retaceous and late {N}eogene, but only {N}eogene sedimentation and exhumation varies in the different sectors of the study area. {F}rom a methodological point of view, large {AH}e data dispersion point to the need for refinement of {AH}e damage and annealing models. {T}he influence of grain chemistry on damage annealing, multiple age components and the possibility of fission tracks as traps for {H}e need further consideration. {F}or the central {P}eruvian {S}ubandes, {AH}e and {AFT} ages combined with balanced cross sections emphasize the dominant control of {P}aleozoic inheritance rather than climate on {C}enozoic infilling and exhumation histories. {F}inally, our data provide the first field example of how thick-skinned thrust-related deformation and exhumation in the {S}ubandes can be directly dated through {AH}e thermochronology.}, keywords = {{PEROU} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}asin {R}esearch}, volume = {25}, numero = {4}, pages = {419--435}, ISSN = {0950-091{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/bre.12012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060506}, }