@article{fdi:010060485, title = {{U}ne sous-famille caract{\'e}ristique des for{\^e}ts humides primaires malgaches : les {R}ossodinae ({T}richoptera, {P}hilopotamidae)}, author = {{G}ibon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois-{M}arie}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{L}es {R}ossodinae Özdikmen & {D}arilmaz, 2008 sont l'une des trois sous-familles constitutives des {P}hilopotamidae {S}tephens, 1829. {I}ls ne sont connus que par deux sp{\'e}cimens-types provenant du massif du {T}saratanana. {U}n inventaire de la faune aquatique des eaux douces malgaches a permis la d{\'e}couverte d'un mat{\'e}riel plus abondant qui comprend 15 esp{\`e}ces, toutes nouvelles et d{\'e}crites dans ce travail : {R}ossodes mantadia n. sp., {R}. pilakai n. sp., {R}. hertui n. sp., {R}. goodmani n. sp., {R}. manantenina n. sp., {R}. fabienneae n. sp., {R}. andohahela n. sp., {R}. ambreensis n. sp., {R}. namorona n. sp., {R}. marojejyensis n. sp., {R}. langrandi n. sp., {R}. humberti n. sp., {R}. rakotonirinai n. sp., {R}. ambatomisana n. sp. et {R}. ankaratra n. sp. {L}'{\'e}tude morphologique confirme la monophylie de la lign{\'e}e et atteste son anciennet{\'e}. {L}es esp{\`e}ces se distinguent entre elles par des caract{\`e}res des genitalia mâles, en particulier le dixi{\`e}me segment abdominal, les appendices sup{\'e}rieurs et les structures internes de l'appareil phallique. {L}a modification des appendices inf{\'e}rieurs, un caract{\`e}re apomorphe, est commun {\`a} toutes les esp{\`e}ces. {E}n revanche, la pr{\'e}sence de la furca 4 aux ailes post{\'e}rieures du mâle, un des caract{\`e}res les plus pl{\'e}simorphe, n'a pas {\'e}t{\'e} observ{\'e}e chez les nouvelles esp{\`e}ces et n'existe que chez l'esp{\`e}ce du {T}saratanana. {L}e genre est pr{\'e}sent du nord au sud de {M}adagascar, depuis le niveau de la mer jusqu'{\`a} une altitude de 1800 m. {I}l est strictement cantonn{\'e} {\`a} de petits ruisseaux des for{\^e}ts humides primaires. {S}a distribution est limit{\'e}e au versant oriental et {\`a} certaines reliques foresti{\`e}res des {H}autes-{T}erres {C}entrales. {C}e groupe illustre l'effet d{\'e}terminant de la v{\'e}g{\'e}tation sur les conditions physiques et chimiques des eaux courantes et, en cons{\'e}quence, la faune aquatique. {L}es r{\'e}partitions g{\'e}ographiques de toutes les esp{\`e}ces sont r{\'e}duites, g{\'e}n{\'e}ralement limit{\'e}es {\`a} un seul bassin versant. {T}he {R}ossodinae {O}zdikmen & {D}arilmaz, 2008, one of the three sub-families of {P}hilopotamidae {S}tephens, 1829 are only known by two type specimens from the {T}saratanana {M}ountain, from which this subfamily has been described. {A}n inventory of the {M}alagasy aquatic fauna has resulted in the discovery of a more abundant material that includes 15 species, all new and described here: {R}ossodes mantadia n. sp., {R}. pilakai n. sp., {R}. hertui n. sp., {R}. goodmani n. sp., {R}. manantenina n. sp., {R}. fabienneae n. sp., {R}. andohahela n. sp., {R}. ambreensis n. sp., {R}. namorona n. sp., {R}. marojejyiensis, {R}. langrandi n. sp., {R}. humberti n. sp., {R}. rakotonirinai n. sp., {R}. ambatomisana n. sp. and {R}. ankaratra n. sp. {T}he morphological study confirmed the monophyly and the antiquity of the lineage. {O}ne of the plesiomorphic characters, the furca 4 of the male hindwings, has not been observed among the new species and exist only in the species originating from the {T}saratanana. {T}he deformation of the inferior appendages, a remarkable apomorphy, is present in the whole lineage. {C}haracters of male genitalia distinguish the different species, particularly the tenth tergite, the superior appendages and the internal sclerites of the phallic apparatus. {T}he genus occurs from {N}orth to {S}outh of the island, from sea level up to 1800 m. {I}t is strictly confined to small creeks in humid pristine forests. {I}ts distribution is limited to the eastern slope and some of the last forests in the {C}entral {H}ighlands. {T}his group illustrates the decisive effect of the vegetation on the physical and chemical conditions of running waters and, as a consequence, on aquatic wildlife. {T}he specific distributions are small, generally limited to a single watershed.}, keywords = {{T}richoptera ; {P}hilopotamidae ; {R}ossodinae ; {M}adagascar ; biogeography ; ecology ; new species ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oosystema}, volume = {35}, numero = {2}, pages = {151--174}, ISSN = {1280-9551}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.5252/z2013n2a2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060485}, }