@article{fdi:010060480, title = {{G}eochemical features of aerosols in {S}antiago de {C}hile from time series analysis}, author = {{V}ald{\`e}s, {A}. and {P}olv{\'e}, {M}. and {M}unoz, {M}arguerite and {T}outain, {J}ean-{P}aul and {M}orata, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}antiago, the capital of {C}hile, suffers from high air pollution levels, especially during winter. {A}n extensive particulate matter ({PM}) monitoring and analysis program was conducted to quantify elemental concentrations of {PM}. {S}ize-resolved {PM} samples ({PM}2.5 and {PM}10-2.5) from the {L}a {P}az and {L}as {C}ondes stations in {S}antiago (2004-2005) were analyzed using {ICP}-{MS}. {M}ost trace element concentrations ({C}u, {P}b, {Z}n, {M}n, {V}, {S}b, {P}b and {A}s) were higher during winter than during summer and were also higher at the {L}a {P}az station than at the {L}as {C}ondes station. {D}uring the highest pollution events, {A}s concentrations in {PM}2.5 (16 ng m(-3)) exceeded the annual average standard value (6 ng m(-3)). {A} 10-year time series showed decreasing {P}b and {A}s concentrations and slightly increasing {Z}n, {C}u and {M}n concentrations. {C}oncentrations of {C}r and {N}i remained relatively constant. {T}he implementation of new public policies in 1998 may explain the decreasing concentrations of {P}b and {A}s. {E}nrichment factor ({EF}) calculations identified two principal groups: elements with {EF} < 10 ({M}g, {Y}, {Z}r, {U} {S}r, {C}a, {T}i, and {V}) and {EF} > 10 ({R}b, {K}, {C}s, {F}e, {P}, {B}a, {M}n, {N}i, {C}r, {C}o, {Z}n, {S}n, {P}b, {C}u, {M}o, {C}d, {A}s, {A}g, and {S}b), which were related to natural and anthropogenic {PM} sources, respectively. {T}hree main {PM} sources were identified using factor analysis: a natural source (crustal matter and marine aerosol), combustion and copper smelting. {T}hree other sources were identified using rare earth elements: fluid catalytic crackers, oil-fired power production and catalytic converters.}, keywords = {{G}eochemistry ; {P}articulate matter ; {S}ource ; {P}ollution ; {T}race element ; {CHILI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {69}, numero = {6}, pages = {2073--2090}, ISSN = {1866-6280}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s12665-013-2415-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060480}, }