@article{fdi:010060473, title = {{R}esponse of {A}cacia senegal ({L}.) {W}illd. to inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolates in sterilized and unsterilized soils in {S}enegal}, author = {{N}doye, {F}. and {K}ane, {A}. and {B}akhoum, {N}. and {S}anon, {A}rs{\`e}ne and {F}all, {D}. and {D}iouf, {D}. and {S}ylla, {S}. {N}. and {B}a, {A}madou and {S}y, {M}. {O}. and {N}oba, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he benefits of inoculation with six arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ({AMF}) isolates ({G}lomus aggregatum, {G}. fasciculatum, {G}. intraradices, {G}. manihotis, {G}. mosseae, and {G}. verriculosum) were investigated on seedlings of {A}cacia senegal ({L}.) {W}illd., a multipurpose tree legume highly valued for arabic gum production. {M}ycorrhizal root colonization, plant growth and relative mycorrhizal dependency ({RMD}) were measured in {A}. senegal seedlings growing in soils from three geographical sites in {S}enegal ({D}ahra, {B}ambey and {G}oudiry) and two soil conditions (sterilized vs unsterilized) in the glasshouse. {T}he impact of inoculation on mycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth depended on {AMF} isolates, soil origins and soil conditions. {M}ycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth were increased in sterilized soils regardless of soil origin and {AMF} isolates. {T}he degree of {RMD} of {A}. senegal seedlings varied with soil origin, soil condition and {AMF} isolates. {A}. senegal showed the highest {RMD} values, reaching a maximum of 45 %, when inoculated with {G}. manihotis. {H}owever, in unsterilized soils, no significant effect of {AMF} inoculation on plant growth was observed despite significant root colonization with certain {AMF} isolates in {D}ahra and {G}oudiry soils. {T}his indicates that the most infective {AMF} isolates were not the most effective and unsterilized soils may contain effective mycorrhizal propagules. {I}n conclusion, it is important to consider the native mycorrhizal component of the soils before harnessing mycorrhizal inoculation programs for sustainable agroforestry systems.}, keywords = {{A}cacia senegal ; {A}rbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ; {M}ycorrhizal root colonization ; {R}elative mycorrhizal dependency ; {S}oil fertility ; {A}groforestry ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}groforestry {S}ystems}, volume = {87}, numero = {4}, pages = {941--952}, ISSN = {0167-4366}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s10457-013-9610-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060473}, }