@article{fdi:010060470, title = {{F}irst screening of {A}edes albopictus immunogenic salivary proteins}, author = {{D}oucour{\'e}, {S}ouleymane and {C}orn{\'e}lie, {S}ylvie and {P}atramool, {S}. and {M}ouchet, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}emettre, {E}. and {S}eveno, {M}. and {D}ehecq, {J}. {S}. and {R}utee, {H}. and {H}erv{\'e}, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {F}avier, {F}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {G}asque, {P}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudy of the human antibody ({A}b) response to {A}edes salivary proteins can provide new biomarkers to evaluate human exposure to vector bites. {T}he identification of genus-and/or species-specific proteins is necessary to improve the accuracy of biomarkers. {W}e analysed {A}edes albopictus immunogenic salivary proteins by 2{D} immunoproteomic technology and compared the profiles according to human individual exposure to {A}e. albopictus or {A}e. aegypti bites. {S}trong antigenicity to {A}e. albopictus salivary proteins was detected in all individuals whatever the nature of {A}edes exposure. {A}mongst these antigenic proteins, 68% are involved in blood feeding, including {D}7 protein family, adenosine deaminase, serpin and apyrase. {T}his study provides an insight into the repertoire of {A}e. albopictus immunogenic salivary proteins for the first time.}, keywords = {{A}e. albopictus ; saliva ; immunogenic ; exposure ; biomarker}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nsect {M}olecular {B}iology}, volume = {22}, numero = {4}, pages = {411--423}, ISSN = {0962-1075}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/imb.12032}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060470}, }