@article{fdi:010060449, title = {{R}isk factor control in hypertensive and diabetic subjects attended by the {F}amily {H}ealth {S}trategy in the {S}tate of {P}ernambuco, {B}razil : the {SERVIDIAH} study = {C}ontrole dos fatores de risco em hipertensos e diab{\'e}ticos acompanhados pela {E}strat{\'e}gia {S}aúde da {F}amília no {E}stado de {P}ernambuco, {B}rasil : estudo {SERVIDIAH}}, author = {{F}ontbonne, {A}nnick and {C}esse, {E}. {A}. {P}. and de {S}ousa, {I}. {M}. {C}. and de {S}ouza, {W}. {V}. and {C}haves, {V}. {L}. {D}. and {B}ezerra, {A}. {F}. {B}. and de {C}arvalho, {E}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {SERVIDIAH} study ({E}valuation of {H}ealth {S}ervices for {D}iabetic and {H}ypertensive {S}ubjects) was conducted in 2010 in the {S}tate of {P}ernambuco, {B}razil. {A} multi-stage random sample of 785 hypertensive and 823 diabetic patients was drawn from 208 {F}amily {H}ealth {S}trategy ({FHS}) units selected throughout 35 municipalities. {P}atients underwent a structured interview and weight, height, blood pressure and {H}b{A}1c levels (for diabetic patients) were measured. {M}ean age was approximately 60 years, and women were overrepresented in the sample (70%). 43.7% of hypertensive subjects and 25.8% of diabetic subjects achieved adequate blood pressure control and 30.5% of diabetic subjects had {H}b{A}1c levels below 7%. {D}espite 70% of the patients being overweight or obese, few had adhered to a weight-loss diet. {T}he study of this representative sample of hypertensive and diabetic patients attended by the {FHS} in the {S}tate of {P}ernambuco shows that improvements in the management of hypertension and diabetes are needed in order to prevent the occurrence of serious and costly complications, especially given the context of increasing incidence of these two conditions.}, keywords = {{H}ypertension ; {D}iabetes {M}ellitus ; {F}amily {H}ealth {P}rogram ; {R}isk {F}actors ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}adernos de {S}aude {P}ublica}, volume = {29}, numero = {6}, pages = {1195--1204}, ISSN = {0102-311{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1590/{S}0004-27302011000600007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060449}, }