@article{fdi:010060446, title = {{C}andidate chemosensory genes in the stemborer {S}esamia nonagrioides}, author = {{G}laser, {N}icolas and {G}allot, {A}. and {L}egeai, {F}. and {M}ontagne, {N}. and {P}oivet, {E}. and {H}arry, {M}. and {C}alatayud, {P}aul-{A}ndr{\'e} and {J}acquin-{J}oly, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he stemborer {S}esamia nonagrioides is an important pest of maize in the {M}editerranean {B}asin. {L}ike other moths, this noctuid uses its chemosensory system to efficiently interact with its environment. {H}owever, very little is known on the molecular mechanisms that underlie chemosensation in this species. {H}ere, we used next-generation sequencing (454 and {I}llumina) on different tissues from adult and larvae, including chemosensory organs and female ovipositors, to describe the chemosensory transcriptome of {S}. nonagrioides and identify key molecular components of the pheromone production and detection systems. {W}e identified a total of 68 candidate chemosensory genes in this species, including 31 candidate binding-proteins and 23 chemosensory receptors. {I}n particular, we retrieved the three co-receptors {O}rco, {IR}25a and {IR}8a necessary for chemosensory receptor functioning. {F}ocusing on the pheromonal communication system, we identified a new pheromone-binding protein in this species, four candidate pheromone receptors and 12 carboxylesterases as candidate acetate degrading enzymes. {I}n addition, we identified enzymes putatively involved in {S}. nonagrioides pheromone biosynthesis, including a {D}elta 11-desaturase and different acetyltransferases and reductases. {RNA}seq analyses and {RT}-{PCR} were combined to profile gene expression in different tissues. {T}his study constitutes the first large scale description of chemosensory genes in {S}. nonagrioides.}, keywords = {chemosensory receptors ; pheromone biosynthesis ; transcriptome ; next-generation sequencing ; {S}esamia nonagrioides ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {B}iological {S}ciences}, volume = {9}, numero = {5}, pages = {481--495}, ISSN = {1449-2288}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.7150/ijbs.6109}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060446}, }