@article{fdi:010060442, title = {{P}opulation genetics analysis during the elimination process of {P}lasmodium falciparum in {D}jibouti}, author = {{K}haireh, {B}.{A}. and {A}ssefa, {A}. and {G}uessod, {H}.{H}. and {B}asco, {L}eonardo and {K}haireh, {M}.{A}. and {P}ascual, {A}. and {B}riolant, {S}. and {B}ouh, {S}.{M}. and {F}arah, {I}.{H}. and {A}li, {H}.{M}. and {A}bdi, {A}.{I}.{A}. and {A}den, {M}.{O}. and {A}bdillahi, {Z}. and {A}yeh, {S}.{N}. and {D}arar, {H}.{Y}. and {K}oeck, {J}.{L}. and {R}ogier, {C}. and {P}radines, {B}. and {B}ogreau, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {C}ase management of imported malaria within the context of malaria pre-elimination is increasingly considered to be relevant because of the risk of resurgence. {T}he assessment of malaria importation would provide key data i) to select countries with propitious conditions for pre-elimination phase and ii) to predict its feasibility. {R}ecently, a sero-prevalence study in {D}jibouti indicated low malaria prevalence, which is propitious for the implementation of pre-elimination, but data on the extent of malaria importation remaiun unknown. {M}ethods: {D}jiboutian plasmodial populations were analysed over an eleven-year period (1998, 1999, 2002 and 2009). {T}he risk of malaria importation was indirectly assessed by using plasmodial population parameters. {B}ased on 5 microsatellite markers, expected heterozygosity ({H}.e.), multiplicity of infection, pairwise {F}st index, multiple correspondence analysis and individual genetic relationship were determined. {T}he prevalence of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with pyrimethamine resistance was also determined. {R}esults: {D}ata indicated a significant decline in genetic diversity (0.51, 0.59, 0.51 and 0 in 1998, 1999, 2002 and 2009, respectively) over the study period, which is inconsistent with the level of malaria importation described in a previous study. {T}his suggested that {D}jiboutian malaria situation may have benefited from the decline of malaria prevalence that occurred in neighbouring countries, in particular in {E}thiopia. {T}he high {F}st indices derived from plasmodial populations from one study period to another (0.12 between 1999 and 2002, and 0.43 between 2002 and 2009) suggested a random sampling of parasites, probably imported from neighbouring countries, leading to oligo-clonal expansion of few different strains during each transmission season. {N}evertheless, similar genotypes observed during the study period suggested recurrent migrations and imported malaria. {C}onclusion: {I}n the present study, the extent of genetic diversity was used to assess the risk of malaria importation in the low malaria transmission setting of {D}jibouti. {T}he molecular approach highlights i) the evolution of {D}jiboutian plasmodial population profiles that are consistent and compatible with {D}jiboutian pre-elimination goals and ii) the necessity to implement the monitoring of plasmodial populations and interventions at the regional scale in the {H}orn of {A}frica to ensure higher efficiency of malaria control and elimination.}, keywords = {{M}icrosatellites ; {M}olecular epidemiology ; {G}enetic diversity ; {D}rug resistance ; {M}alaria elimination ; {P}yrimethamine ; {H}orn of {A}frica ; {DJIBOUTI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {12}, numero = {}, pages = {201}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1186/1475-2875-12-201}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060442}, }