@article{fdi:010060423, title = {{P}ositive effect of climate change on cotton in 2050 by {CO}2 enrichment and conservation agriculture in {C}ameroon}, author = {{G}erardeaux, {E}. and {S}ultan, {B}enjamin and {P}alai, {O}. and {G}uiziou, {C}. and {O}ettli, {P}. and {N}audin, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his article predicts an unexpected positive effect of climate change on cotton production in {C}ameroon. {G}lobal warming could threaten cotton production in {A}frica due to increasing temperature and {CO}2, and rainfall uncertainties. {T}his situation is worsened by the fact that most {A}frican farmers grow cotton as their cash crop and have few or no possible alternatives. {A}ssessing the impact of climate change on cotton production is therefore critical. {H}ere, we used {CROPGRO}, a process-based crop model that can simulate the main features of cotton growth and management. {W}e applied this model to two regions in {N}orth {C}ameroon and a set of six regional climate projections combining general climate models and regional climate models from the {ENSEMBLES} project. {T}he model was calibrated and validated with a data set of observations made in farmer fields from 2001 to 2005 and at an experimental station in 2010. {O}ur results show unexpectedly that climate change from 2005 to 2050 in {N}orth {C}ameroon will have a positive effect on cotton yields with an increase of 1.3 kg ha(-1) year(-1) in yield, especially if conservation agriculture systems are adopted. {T}he predicted increase of 0.05 {A} degrees {C} year(-1) in temperature will shorten crop cycles by 0.1 day year(-1) with no negative effect on yields. {M}oreover, the fertilizing effect of {CO}2 enrichment will increase yields by approximately 30 kg ha(-1). {T}he rainfall pattern is likely to change, but the six regional models used to generate future weather patterns did not predict a decrease in rainfall. {O}ne model even forecast an increase in rainfall amounts. {A}ccording to our findings, climate changes in {N}orth {C}ameroon can be anticipated by tailoring alternative cropping systems and adaptation techniques to cope with climate change.}, keywords = {{C}otton ({G}ossypium hirsutum {L}.) ; {C}limate change ; {N}orth {C}ameroon ; {C}ropping systems ; {C}rop modeling ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gronomy for {S}ustainable {D}evelopment}, volume = {33}, numero = {3}, pages = {485--495}, ISSN = {1774-0746}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s13593-012-0119-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060423}, }