@article{fdi:010060374, title = {{P}hlebotomine sand flies from {M}adagascar ({D}iptera : {P}sychodidae). {VII}. {A}n identification key for {P}hlebotomus with the description of {P}hlebotomus ({A}naphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp.}, author = {{R}andrianambinintsoa, {F}. {J}. and {L}{\'e}ger, {N}. and {R}obert, {V}incent and {D}epaquit, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n identification key of the {P}hlebotomus in {M}adagascar is proposed as well as the description of the male and female {P}hlebotomus ({A}naphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp. from {M}ikea {F}orest in the south-west of {M}adagascar. {T}he assignation of this new species to the genus {P}hlebotomus is based on the presence of mesanepisternal setae. {I}ts inclusion in the subgenus {A}naphlebotomus is based on the males on the presence of four spines on the style, the lack of a coxite basal process and the existence of a bifurcated paramere. {T}he female has cibarial and pharyngeal armature and spermathecal architecture similar to {P}hlebotomus fertei and {P}hlebotomus berentiensis, two other {M}alagasy species which belong to {A}naphlebotomus. {M}ale and female are held to belong to the same species because of their morphological characters, the homology (100%) of their partial cytochrome b mt{DNA} sequences and their capture in the same trap. {P}. vaomalalae n. sp. is a small species compared to the other {P}hlebotomus species of {M}adagascar. {T}he cibarium of the male and the female of {P}. vaomalalae n. sp. is armed with teeth, like those of other {M}alagasy {P}hlebotomus. {H}owever, it differs in the arrangement and shape of the respective teeth and denticles. {T}he male of {P}. vaomalalae n. sp. looks like that of {P}. fontenillei due to its tuft of coxal setae (lacking in {P}. berentiensis and {P}. fertei) but differs from this species by the location of this tuft. {A}s {P}. fertei and {P}. berentiensis, there is no spermathecal common duct in {P}. vaomalalae n. sp.}, keywords = {{P}hlebotomine sand flies ; {A}naphlebotomus ; {M}adagascar ; morphology ; molecular taxonomy ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasite}, volume = {20}, numero = {}, pages = {6}, ISSN = {1252-607{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1051/parasite/2013005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060374}, }