@article{fdi:010060359, title = {{L}es aliments industriels (hors laits et c{\'e}r{\'e}ales) destin{\'e}s aux nourrissons et enfants en bas âge : un progr{\`e}s di{\'e}t{\'e}tique ?}, author = {{G}hisolfi, {J}. and {B}ocquet, {A}. and {B}resson, {J}. {L}. and {B}riend, {A}ndr{\'e} and {C}houraqui, {J}. {P}. and {D}armaun, {D}. and {D}upont, {C}. and {F}relut, {M}. {L}. and {G}irardet, {J}. {P}. and {G}oulet, {O}. and {H}ankard, {R}. and {R}ieu, {D}. and {S}imeoni, {U}. and {T}urck, {D}. and {V}idailhet, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{P}rocessed baby foods designed for infants (4-12 months) and toddlers (12-36 months) (excluding infant formula, follow-on formula, the so-called growing-up milks, and cereal-based foods for infants), which am referred to as baby foods, are specific products defined by a {E}uropean regulation ({D}irective 2006/125/{CE}). {A}ccording to this {D}irective, such foods have a composition adapted to the nutritional needs of children of this age and should comply with specifications related to food safety in terms of ingredients, production processes, and prevention of infectious and toxicological hazards. {H}ence, they differ from ordinary foods and from non-specific processed foods. {T}his market segment includes the full range of foods that can be part of children's diet: dairy products (dairy desserts, yoghurts, and fresh cheese), sweet products (nondairy desserts, fruit, and drinks), and salty products (soups, vegetable-based foods, meat, fish, and full dishes). {T}his market amounted to 89,666 {MT} in {F}rance in 2011 and 83,055 {MT} in 2010 (a total of 325,524 {MT} in the 27 countries of the {E}uropean {U}nion in 2010, including 90,438 {MT} in {G}ermany, 49,144 {MT} in {S}pain, and 40,438 {MT} in {I}taly). {T}he consumption of baby foods in {F}rance varies with infant age and parental choice. {B}aby foods account for 7 % of total energy intake at 4-5 months, 28 % at 6-7 months, 27 % at 8-11 months, 17 % at 1-17 months, and 11 % at 18-24 months. {A}mong parents, 24 % never offer their children any baby foods, 13 % do so 1-3 days/week and 63 % 4-7 days/week. {A}mong consumers, 55% of children eat more than 250 g/day of baby foods. {A}s baby foods only account for a minor fraction of overall food intake, their impact on the quality of young children's diet is much less than that of growing-up milks, particularly for preventing insufficient iron and vitamin {D} intake. {T}heir consumption, however, has an indirect benefit on the nutritional quality of the diet and on food safety, particularly regarding toxicological hazards, as it postpones the introduction of non-specific processed foods, which are inadequate for this age group owing to both their nutritional composition and lower food safety control. {B}aby foods represent a family of products meeting parents' expectations and adapted to infants and young children. {T}hey are clearly beneficial in terms of food safety, but the nutritional benefit to be expected from their consumption is minimal: their main advantage is postponing or decreasing the consumption of non-specific industrially processed foods.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}rchives de {P}{\'e}diatrie}, volume = {20}, numero = {5}, pages = {523--532}, ISSN = {0929-693{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.arcped.2013.02.072}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060359}, }