@article{fdi:010060348, title = {{I}dentifying potential areas of {C}annabis sativa plantations using object-based image analysis of {SPOT}-5 satellite data}, author = {{L}isita, {A}. and {S}ano, {E}. {E}. and {D}urieux, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he rapid and efficient detection of illicit drug cultivation, such as that of {C}annabis sativa, is important in reducing consumption. {T}he objective of this study was to identify potential sites of illicit {C}. sativa plantations located in the semi-arid, southern part of {P}ernambuco {S}tate, {B}razil. {T}he study was conducted using an object-based image analysis ({OBIA}) of {S}ysteme {P}our l'{O}bservation de la {T}erre high-resolution geometric ({SPOT}-5 {HRG}) images (overpass: 31 {M}ay, 2007). {OBIA} considers the target's contextual and geometrical attributes to overcome the difficulties inherent in detecting illicit crops associated with the grower's strategies to conceal their fields and optimizes the spectral information extracted to generate land-cover maps. {T}he capabilities of the {SPOT}-5 near-infrared and shortwave infrared bands to discriminate herbaceous vegetation with high water content, and employment of the support vector machine classifier, contributed to accomplishing this task. {I}mage classification included multiresolution segmentation with an algorithm available in the e{C}ognition {D}eveloper software package. {I}n addition to a {SPOT}-5 {HRG} multispectral image with 10m spatial resolution and a panchromatic image with 2.5m spatial resolution, first-order indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index and ancillary data including land-cover classes, anthropogenic areas, slope, and distance to water sources were also employed in the {OBIA}. {T}he classification of segments (objects) related to illegal cultivation employed fuzzy logic and fixed-threshold membership functions to describe the following spectral, geometrical, and contextual properties of targets: vegetation density, topography, neighbourhood, and presence of water supplies for irrigation. {T}he results of {OBIA} were verified from a weight of evidence analysis. {A}mong 15 previously known {C}. sativa sites identified during police operations conducted on 517 {J}une 2007, eight sites were classified as maximum-alert areas (total area of 22.54km(2) within a total area of object-oriented image classification of approximate to 1800km(2)). {T}he approach proposed in this study is feasible for reducing the area to be searched for illicit cannabis cultivation in semi-arid regions.}, keywords = {{BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {34}, numero = {15}, pages = {5409--5428}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1080/01431161.2013.790574}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060348}, }