@article{fdi:010060305, title = {{M}utual use of trail-following chemical cues by a termite host and its inquiline}, author = {{C}ristaldo, {P}.{F}. and {D}e {S}ouza, {O}. and {K}rasulova, {J}. and {J}irosova {A}. and {K}utalova, {K}. and {R}odrigues {L}ima, {E}. and {S}obotnik, {J}. and {S}illam-{D}uss{\`e}s, {D}avid}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ermite nests are often secondarily inhabited by other termite species ( = inquilines) that cohabit with the host. {T}o understand this association, we studied the trail-following behaviour in two {N}eotropical species, {C}onstrictotermes cyphergaster ({T}ermitidae: {N}asutitermitinae) and its obligatory inquiline, {I}nquilinitermes microcerus ({T}ermitidae: {T}ermitinae). {U}sing behavioural experiments and chemical analyses, we determined that the trail-following pheromone of {C}. cyphergaster is made of neocembrene and (3{Z},6{Z},8{E})-dodeca-3,6,8-trien-1-ol. {A}lthough no specific compound was identified in {I}. microcerus, workers were able to follow the above compounds in behavioural bioassays. {I}nterestingly, in choice tests, {C}. cyphergaster prefers conspecific over heterospecific trails while {I}. microcerus shows the converse behaviour. {I}n no-choice tests with whole body extracts, {C}. cyphergaster showed no preference for, while {I}. microcerus clearly avoided heterospecific trails. {T}his seems to agree with the hypothesis that trail-following pheromones may shape the cohabitation of {C}. cyphergaster and {I}. microcerus and reinforce the idea that their cohabitation is based on conflict-avoiding strategies.}, keywords = {{TERMITE} ; {COMPORTEMENT} ; {ANALYSE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {PHEROMONE} ; {CHROMATOGRAPHIE} {EN} {PHASE} {GAZEUSE} ; {SPECTROMETRIE} ; {ANALYSE} {STATISTIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {COHABITATION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lo{S} {O}ne}, volume = {9}, numero = {1}, pages = {e85315 [9 ]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0085315}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060305}, }