@inproceedings{fdi:010060268, title = {{S}tatistics of the {E}uropean {U}nion and associated flags purse seine fishing fleet targeting tropical tunas in the {I}ndian {O}cean (1981-2012)}, author = {{C}hassot, {E}mmanuel and {D}elgado de {M}olina, {A}. and {A}ssan, {C}. and {D}ewals, {P}. and {C}auquil, {P}. and {A}reso, {J}.{J}. and {R}ahombanjanaharyk, {D}.{M}. and {F}loch, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n 2012, the {E}uropean {U}nion and associated flags purse seine fishing fleet of the {I}ndian {O}cean was composed of 37 vessels of individual carrying capacity >800 t, which all represented a total carrying capacity of more than 45,000 t. {T}he total cumulated nominal effort was about 9,500 and 7,800 fishing and searching days, respectively. {T}he total number of fishing sets was about 9,000, with about 5,600 realised on {FAD}-associated schools (i.e. >60%). {O}verall, the capacity and nominal effort of the fleet have remained stable during the recent years while the total catches have significantly dropped from more than 260,000 t during 2009-2011 to less than 230,000 t in 2012. {T}he decline in catch is mainly explained by a combination of a major decrease in the number of sets per day and catch rates of skipjack on {FAD}-associated schools, the catch of skipjack per positive set being the lowest observed since 1984, i.e. 15 t set−1. {C}atch rates of skipjack on free-swimming schools also strongly decreased, which resulted in an overall decrease of skipjack catch by more than 40% between 2009-2011 and 2012. {M}eanwhile, catch rates of yellowfin on both {FAD}-associated and free-swimming schools increased in the recent years, resulting in a total catch of yellowfin that increased in 2012 to 130,000 t. {T}he strong reduction in the number of {FAD} sets resulted in a total catch of bigeye that reached 16,500 t in 2012.}, keywords = {{PECHE} {THONIERE} ; {NAVIRE} {DE} {PECHE} ; {SENNE} ; {CAPTURE} ; {EFFORT} {DE} {PECHE} ; {DONNEES} {STATISTIQUES} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {EUROPE}}, numero = {{IOTC}-2013-{WPTT}15-44}, pages = {n. [28 p. multigr.]}, booktitle = {15{\`e}me session du {G}roupe de {T}ravail des {T}hons {T}ropicaux ({GTTT})}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060268}, }