@article{fdi:010060259, title = {{L}ithofacies and depositional environment of volcano-sedimentary deposits of {SE} {M}ayo {O}ulo basin}, author = {{M}enkem, {E}.{F}. and {S}ebag, {D}avid and {N}gatcha, {B}.{N}. and {D}urand, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he study of volcano-sedimentary deposits of {M}angbai in {SE} {M}ayo {O}ulo basin-{C}ameroon leads to the identification of five major distinct lithofacies types. {F}rom the coarset to the finest lithofacies, there are : {G}b-clast supported by massive coble and boulder, {G}g-granule to massive gravel, {S}m-massive sand, {S}hhorizontal layered sandstones, {F}ml-massive laminated claystones. {C}oarse facies ({G}b, {G}g, {S}m) are cemented with volcanic matrix while the finest facies ({S}h, {F}ml) are normal sedimentary compacted deposits. {T}he coarsest facies distribution is identified on the top {SE} of the mountain while the medium to finest facies deposits are located at the base of the sequence. {T}he formation of the volcano-sedimentary deposits of {M}angbai are associated to the development and establishment of {A}frica major rift system while sedimentary deposits in the {M}ayo {O}ulo basin are more recent and date from {L}ower {C}retaceous.}, keywords = {{BASSIN} {SEDIMENTAIRE} ; {LITHOLOGIE} ; {FACIES} ; {EXTENSION} {TECTONIQUE} ; {ROCHE} {VOLCANIQUE} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {MAYO} {OULO} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}merican {J}ournal of {G}eoscience}, volume = {3}, numero = {2}, pages = {23--29}, ISSN = {1948-9846}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.3844/ajgsp.2013.23.29}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060259}, }