@article{fdi:010060181, title = {{E}ctomycorrhizal {P}isolithus albus inoculation of {A}cacia spirorbis and {E}ucalyptus globulus grown in ultramafic topsoil enhances plant growth and mineral nutrition while limits metal uptake}, author = {{J}ourand, {P}hilippe and {H}annibal, {L}aure and {M}ajorel, {C}larisse and {M}engant, {S}. and {D}ucousso, {M}. and {L}ebrun, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}ctomycorrhizal fungi ({ECM}) isolates of {P}isolithus albus ({C}ooke and {M}assee) from nickel-rich ultramafic topsoils in {N}ew {C}aledonia were inoculated onto {A}cacia spirorbis {L}abill. (an endemic {F}abaceae) and {E}ucalyptus globulus {L}abill. (used as a {M}yrtaceae plant host model). {T}he aim of the study was to analyze the growth of symbiotic {ECM} plants growing on the ultramafic substrate that is characterized by high and toxic metal concentrations i.e. {C}o, {C}r, {F}e, {M}n and {N}i, deficient concentrations of plant essential nutrients such as {N}, {P}, {K}, and that presents an unbalanced {C}a/{M}g ratio (1/19). {ECM} inoculation was successful with a plant level of root mycorrhization up to 6.7%. {ECM} symbiosis enhanced plant growth as indicated by significant increases in shoot and root biomass. {P}resence of {ECM} enhanced uptake of major elements that are deficient in ultramafic substrates; in particular {P}, {K} and {C}a. {O}n the contrary, the {ECM} symbioses strongly reduced transfer to plants of element in excess in soils; in particular all metals. {ECM}-inoculated plants released metal complexing molecules as free thiols and oxalic acid mostly at lower concentrations than in controls. {D}ata showed that {ECM} symbiosis helped plant growth by supplying uptake of deficient elements while acting as a protective barrier to toxic metals, in particular for plants growing on ultramafic substrate with extreme soil conditions. {I}solation of indigenous and stress-adapted beneficial {ECM} fungi could serve as a potential tool for inoculation of {ECM} endemic plants for the successful restoration of ultramafic ecosystems degraded by mining activities.}, keywords = {{SYMBIOSE} ; {ECTOMYCORHIZE} ; {INOCULATION} ; {ARBRE} ; {ESPECE} {ENDEMIQUE} ; {CROISSANCE} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {METAL} {LOURD} ; {TOLERANCE} ; {NICKEL} ; {NUTRITION} {MINERALE} ; {ADAPTATION} ; {RACINE} ; {MINE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {SOL} {ULTRAMAFIQUE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lant {P}hysiology}, volume = {171}, numero = {}, pages = {164--172}, ISSN = {0176-1617}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jplph.2013.10.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060181}, }