@article{fdi:010059155, title = {{C}ontribution to the knowledge of the {A}ndean stonefly genus {C}laudioperla {I}llies, with description of new apterous and micropterous pecies ({P}lecoptera : {G}ripopterygidae)}, author = {{G}ibon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois-{M}arie and {M}olina, {C}. {I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genus {C}laudioperla ({P}lecoptera: {G}ripopterygidae), which has been reported from {C}hile and {A}rgentina to {C}olombia, was until now monospecific. {T}he study of adults from various localities of the {B}olivian {A}ltiplano has resulted in the discovery of four distinct species. {T}hree are new and described: {C}laudioperla rosalesi n. sp., {C}laudioperla moyai n. sp., and {C}laudioperla ruhieri n. sp. {T}he fourth, {C}laudioperla tigrina ({K}lapalek), presents morphological variations with previous descriptions that are exposed and discussed. {O}ne of the new species, {C}. ruhieri, is apterous. {T}he male of {C}. moyai is micropterous. {A}mong {S}outh {A}merican stoneflies, they are the first cases of aptery and microptery reported outside of {P}atagonia. {A}dapted to extreme conditions of temperature and altitude, {C}. moyai and {C}. ruhieri are particularly threatened by the recent evolution of {B}olivian glaciers.}, keywords = {{A}ndes ; {C}laudioperla ; new species ; systematics ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}eotropical {E}ntomology}, volume = {42}, numero = {2}, pages = {170--177}, ISSN = {1519-566{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s13744-013-0109-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010059155}, }