@article{fdi:010059015, title = {{HIV} testing in low- and middle-income countries : an urgent need for scaling up}, author = {{L}aurent, {C}hristian}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ow can national {AIDS} program managers in low- and middle-income countries improve the coverage of {HIV} testing? {I}n these countries heavily affected by {HIV}/{AIDS}, testing for {HIV} infection remains indeed critically infrequent with regard to its central role for individual care and control of the epidemic. {O}nly 20 per cent of adults and 28 per cent of infants born from {HIV}-infected mothers are tested in a timely manner. {T}he expansion of {HIV} testing is a prerequisite for reaching the {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization's objective of universal access to {HIV} prevention, treatment, care, and support as well as the {M}illennium {D}evelopment {G}oals related to {HIV}/{AIDS} and child mortality. {T}he successful {R}wandan experience of scaling up early infant {HIV} diagnosis brings hope for many countries.}, keywords = {{HIV} ; testing ; diagnosis ; low- and middle-income countries ; {TIERS} {MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}ublic {H}ealth {P}olicy}, volume = {34}, numero = {1}, pages = {17--21}, ISSN = {0197-5897}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1057/jphp.2012.67}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010059015}, }