@article{fdi:010058968, title = {{B}iochar-mediated [{C}-14]atrazine mineralization in atrazine-adapted soils from {B}elgium and {B}razil}, author = {{J}ablonowski, {N}. {D}. and {B}orchard, {N}. and {Z}ajkoska, {P}. and {F}ernandez {B}ayo, {J}esus and {M}artinazzo, {R}. and {B}erns, {A}. {E}. and {B}urauel, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iochar addition to soil has been reported to reduce the microbial degradation of pesticides due to sorption of the active compound. {T}his study investigated whether the addition of hardwood biochar alters the mineralization of {C}-14-labeled atrazine in two atrazine-adapted soils from {B}elgium and {B}razil at different moisture regimens. {B}iochar addition resulted in an equally high or even in a significantly higher atrazine mineralization compared to the soils without biochar. {S}tatistical analysis revealed that the extent of atrazine mineralization was more influenced by the specific soil than by the addition of biochar. {I}t was concluded that biochar amendment up to 5% by weight does not negatively affect the mineralization of atrazine by an atrazine-adapted soil microflora.}, keywords = {biochar ; pesticides ; microbial adaptation ; {BRESIL} ; {BELGIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}gricultural and {F}ood {C}hemistry}, volume = {61}, numero = {3}, pages = {512--516}, ISSN = {0021-8561}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1021/jf303957a}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058968}, }