@article{fdi:010058886, title = {{R}isk factors of preterm delivery in {HIV}-infected pregnant women receiving zidovudine for the prevention of perinatal {HIV}}, author = {{T}raisathit, {P}atrinee and {M}ary, {J}.{Y}. and {L}e {C}oeur, {S}ophie and {T}hantanarat, {S}. and {J}ungpichanvanich, {S}. and {P}ornkitprasarn, {W}. and {G}omuthbutra, {V}. and {M}atanasarawut, {W}. and {W}annapira, {W}. and {L}allemant, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{AIM}: {S}everal studies have shown that preterm delivery, a primary cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity, is more frequent in {HIV}-positive women. {T}his study aimed to determine factors associated with prematurity in {HIV}-infected women and identify risks for which specific interventions could be targeted. {METHODS}: {D}ata were prospectively collected in a clinical trial assessing the efficacy of different zidovudine prophylaxis durations for the prevention of perinatal {HIV} transmission in {T}hailand. {C}haracteristics associated with prematurity - delivery before 37 weeks--were assessed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression and were subsequently used to identify subgroups of women at risk. {RESULTS}: {A}mong 979 women, independent prematurity risk factors were: viral load <3.5 or >4.5 log copies/m{L}; hemoglobin > 11.5 g/d{L}; weight gain <0.25 kg/week; and body mass index <20 kg/m2. {T}hese factors allowed us to define four subgroups with an expected probability of prematurity increasing from 3% to 30%. {T}he two subgroups with the highest expected probability of prematurity were considered to be 'at risk' as opposed to the two lowest (odds ratio = 2.6, 95% confidence interval: 1.7-4.0) and the sensitivity and specificity of the prediction were 51% and 71%, respectively. {CONCLUSION}: {I}n this study, four risk factors of preterm delivery were identified allowing the identification of subgroups at increasing risk of prematurity. {A}dequate nutrition and the provision of highly active antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy as recommended by the {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization for the prevention of perinatal transmission for immunocompromised women in resource-constrained countries may reduce the risk of premature delivery.}, keywords = {{A}dult ; {A}nti-{HIV} {A}gents ; drug therapy {R}isk {F}actors ; drug therapy/prevention & control ; etiology {P}regnancy ; {F}emale {HIV} {I}nfections ; {H}ighly {A}ctive {CD}4 ; {H}umans {I}nfant, {N}ewborn {I}nfectious {D}isease {T}ransmission, {V}ertical ; {L}ymphocyte {C}ount ; {P}regnancy {C}omplications, {I}nfectious ; {P}remature ; prevention & control {O}bstetric {L}abor ; therapeutic use {A}ntiretroviral {T}herapy ; {V}iral {L}oad ; {Z}idovudine/ therapeutic use ; {THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {O}bstetrics and {G}ynaecology {R}esearch}, volume = {35}, numero = {2}, pages = {225--233}, ISSN = {1341-8076}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1447-0756.2008.00925.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058886}, }