@article{fdi:010058841, title = {{E}cosystem status and functioning : searching for rules of thumb using an intersite comparison of food-web models of {N}ortheast {A}tlantic continental shelves}, author = {{L}assalle, {G}. and {L}obry, {J}. and {L}e {L}oc'h, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {M}ackinson, {S}. and {S}anchez, {F}. and {T}omczak, {M}. {T}. and {N}iquil, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his work aimed to provide a better understanding of how the structure and function of marine ecosystems and trophic control mechanisms influence their response to perturbations. {C}omparative analysis of {E}copath models of four {N}ortheast {A}tlantic ecosystems was used to search for rules of thumb defining the similarities and differences between them. {E}cosystem indicators, related to the ecology of species interactions, were derived from these models and compared. {T}wo main questions were addressed. (i) {W}hat are the main energy pathways and mechanisms of control? (ii) {D}o these ecosystems exhibit the widespread and potentially stabilizing food-web structure such that top predators couple distinct energy pathways? {A} strong bentho-pelagic coupling operated over the {B}ay of {B}iscay {S}helf, while energy reached higher trophic levels mostly through pelagic compartments, in northern areas. {Z}ooplankton was demonstrated to be trophically important in all ecosystems, acting as a regulator of the abundance of small pelagic fish. {A} latitudinal pattern in flow control was highlighted by this analysis, with a significant contribution of top-down effect at higher latitudes. {T}his top-down control of the {B}altic {S}ea, combined with the fact that this ecosystem did not exhibit the potentially stabilizing two-channel structure, suggested a non-stable environment.}, keywords = {comparative studies ; {E}copath with {E}cosim ; ecosystem model ; graphical analysis ; stability ; trophic structure ; {ATLANTIQUE} {NORD} {EST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ces {J}ournal of {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {70}, numero = {1}, pages = {135--149}, ISSN = {1054-3139}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1093/icesjms/fss168}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058841}, }