@article{fdi:010058827, title = {{M}isclassification of pregnancy-related deaths in adult mortality surveys : case study in {S}enegal}, author = {{H}elleringer, {S}. and {D}uthe, {G}. and {K}ant{\'e}, {A}. {M}. and {A}ndro, {A}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {T}rape, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {P}ison, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective {I}n countries with limited vital registration data, maternal mortality levels are often estimated using siblings' survival histories ({SSH}) collected during retrospective adult mortality surveys. {W}e explored how accurately adult deaths can be classified as pregnancy related using such data. {M}ethod {T}he study was conducted in a rural area of south-eastern {S}enegal with high maternal mortality, {B}andafassi. {W}e used data from a demographic surveillance system ({DSS}) in this area to identify deaths of women at reproductive ages between 2003 and 2009 and to locate the surviving adult sisters of the deceased and interview them. {S}iblings' survival histories were linked at the individual level to death records, and verbal autopsy data obtained by the demographic surveillance system. {W}e compared the classification of adult female deaths as pregnancy related or not in interviews and {DSS} records. {R}esults {T}here were 91 deaths at reproductive ages in the {B}andafassi {DSS} between 2003 and 2009, but only 59 had known surviving sisters. {S}ome deaths were omitted by respondents, or reported as alive or as having occurred during childhood (n = 8). {A}mong deaths reported both in the {SSH} and {DSS} data, 94% of deaths classified as pregnancy related in the {DSS} data were also classified as such by siblings' survival histories. {O}nly 70% of deaths classified as not pregnancy related in the {DSS} data were also classified as such by siblings' survival histories. {C}onclusion {M}isclassifications of pregnancy-related deaths in retrospective adult mortality surveys may affect estimates of pregnancy-related mortality rates.}, keywords = {maternal mortality ; surveys ; adult mortality ; sibling method ; demographic surveillance ; {S}enegal ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ropical {M}edicine and {I}nternational {H}ealth}, volume = {18}, numero = {1}, pages = {27--34}, ISSN = {1360-2276}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/tmi.12012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058827}, }