@article{fdi:010058810, title = {{E}ffect of a multi-step preparation of amaranth and palm nut sauces on their carotenoid content and retinol activity equivalent values}, author = {{A}moussa-{H}ounkpatin, {W}aliou and {M}ouquet {R}ivier, {C}laire and {K}ayod{\'e}, {A}. {P}. {P}. and {H}ounhouigan, {J}. {D}. and {A}vallone, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he preparation of a traditional sauce based on amaranth leaves cooked palm nuts or red palm oil ({RPO}) in {B}enin was described. {T}he recipes included an optional step of leaf blanching at 100 degrees {C}, heating the {RPO} or boiling the palm nuts and finally cooking all the ingredients together. {T}he influence of this multi-step preparation on the carotenoid content of the final dish was measured. {D}uring blanching of amaranth leaves, violaxanthin was the only carotenoid to be significantly affected by the thermal treatment. {R}etinol activity equivalent ({RAE}) remained high after blanching even when alkaline traditional potash was added. {H}eating the {RPO} was the most critical step because it considerably and very rapidly (in <3 min) decreased a-carotene, beta-carotene and {RAE} values (more than 70%). {S}auces calling for palm nuts, {RPO} and amaranth leaves were equally advantageous in terms of final {RAE} value. {T}hese ingredients and sauces can thus be used in programmes to reduce vitamin {A} deficiency.}, keywords = {{A}maranth leaves ; {B}enin ; boiling ; carotenoids ; oil heating ; red palm oil ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {F}ood {S}cience and {T}echnology}, volume = {48}, numero = {1}, pages = {204--210}, ISSN = {0950-5423}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2621.2012.03178.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058810}, }