@article{fdi:010058364, title = {{D}ifferential regional responses in drought lenght, intensity and timing to recent climate changes in a {M}editerranean forested ecosystem}, author = {{R}uffault, {J}. and {M}artin-{S}t{P}aul, {N}.{K}. and {R}ambal, {S}. and {M}ouillot, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {M}editerranean area is one of the regions of the world where {GCM}s agree the most on precipitation changes due to climate change. {I}n this study we aim to assess the impact of recent climate change on drought features of {M}editerranean ecosystems in {S}outhern {F}rance. {R}egional climatic trends for the 1971-2006 period are compared to drought trends based on a water balance model accounting for soil properties, vegetation structure and functioning. {D}rought, defined here as periods when soil water potentials drop below -0.5 {MP}a, is described in terms of intensity, duration and timing, which are integrative of both climate variability and site conditions. {T}emporal trends in precipitation, temperature and solar radiation lead altogether to drier and warmer conditions over the region but with a high spatial heterogeneity; for similar climatic trends, a significant increase in drought intensity was detected in the wettest areas of the region, whereas drought intensity in the driest areas did not change. {I}ndeed, in the wettest areas, we observed an earlier onset of drought by about 1 month, but a constant end of drought. {I}n the driest areas of the region, we observed the same earlier onset of drought but combined with an earlier end of drought, thus leading to a shift of the dry season without increasing its duration. {T}he definition of drought features both in terms of intensity but also of seasonal timing appears relevant to capture historical or forecasted changes in ecosystem functioning. {S}tudies concerning climate change impacts on forested ecosystems should be interpreted with caution when using climate proxies alone.}, keywords = {{FORET} ; {CLIMAT} ; {SECHERESSE} ; {FONCTIONNEMENT} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {VEGETATION} ; {HUMIDITE} {DU} {SOL} ; {POTENTIEL} {HYDRIQUE} ; {BILAN} {HYDRIQUE} ; {DEFICIT} {HYDRIQUE} ; {PRECIPITATION} ; {TEMPERATURE} ; {VARIATION} {SPATIALE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {FRANCE} ; {LANGUEDOC} {ROUSSILLON} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE} ; {PUECHABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limatic {C}hange}, volume = {117}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {103--117}, ISSN = {0165-0009 ; 1573-1480}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s10584-012-0559-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058364}, }