@article{fdi:010058219, title = {{S}pecies boundaries in the {H}imantura uarnak species complex ({M}yliobatiformes : {D}asyatidae)}, author = {{A}rlyza, {I}.{S}. and {S}hen, {K}.{N}. and {S}olihin, {D}.{D}. and {S}oedharma, {D}. and {B}errebi, {P}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}amples of the '{H}imantura uarnak' species complex ({H}. leoparda, {H}. uarnak, {H}. undulata under their current definitions), mostly from the {C}oral {T}riangle, were analyzed using nuclear makers and mitochondrial {DNA} sequences. {G}enotypes at five intron loci showed four reproductively isolated clusters of individuals. {T}he {CO}! sequences showed four major mitochondrial lineages, each diagnostic of a cluster as defined by nuclear markers. {N}o mitochondrial introgression was detected. {T}he average {K}imura-2 parameter nucleotide distance separating clades was 0.061-0.120 (net: 0.055-0.114), while the distance separating individuals within a clade was 0.002-0.008. {A}dditional, partial cytochrome-b gene sequences were used to link these samples with previously published sequences of reference specimens of the three nominal species. {O}ne of the clusters was identified as {H}. undulata and another one, as {H}. uarnak, while two cryptic species were uncovered within the recently-described {H}. leoparda, challenging the current morphology-based taxonomy of species within the {H}. uarnak species complex.}, keywords = {{I}ntron-size polymorphism ; {C}ytochrome oxidase {I} ; {C}ytochrome b ; {H}imantura leoparda ; {C}ryptic species ; {T}axonomy ; {ZANZIBAR} ; {TAIWAN} ; {INDONESIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}hylogenetics and {E}volution}, volume = {66}, numero = {1}, pages = {429--435}, ISSN = {1055-7903}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ympev.2012.09.023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058219}, }