@article{fdi:010058194, title = {{C}omparison of different trapping methods for surveillance of mosquito vectors of {W}est {N}ile virus in {R}hone {D}elta, {F}rance}, author = {{L}'{A}mbert, {G}. and {F}erre, {J}. {B}. and {S}chaffner, {F}. and {F}ontenille, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ive trapping methods were compared for monitoring potential vectors of the {W}est {N}ile virus in four areas in the {C}amargue {P}lain of {F}rance: carbon dioxide traps, bird-baited traps, gravid traps, resting boxes, and human landing catches. {A} total of 73,721 specimens, representing 14 species, was trapped in 2006. {R}esults showed significant differences in species and abundance between the type of traps. {M}any more specimens were collected using {CO}2 traps than any other method, with an average of 212 specimens per night per trap (p<0.05). {C}ulex pipiens was the most abundant species collected (36.8% of total with {CO}2 traps), followed by {A}edes caspius (22.7%), {A}nopheles hyrcanus (18.3%), {C}ulex modestus (18.3%), and {A}edes detritus (3.2%). {B}ird-baited traps captured only eight specimens per night per trap on average, mainly {C}x. pipiens (89.9%). {T}he species collected and their abundance are influenced by the trap location, at ground or canopy level. {C}ulex pipiens was twice as abundant in the canopy as on the ground, whereas it was the opposite for {A}e. caspius, {A}n. hyrcanus, and {A}e. detritus. {C}ulex modestus was equally abundant at both levels. {R}esting boxes and gravid traps were much less efficient, capturing around 0.3 specimens per night per trap. {R}esults are discussed in relation to {W}est {N}ile virus surveillance.}, keywords = {{S}pecies composition ; adult mosquito traps ; southern {F}rance ; {W}est {N}ile virus ; {C}ulex pipiens ; {C}ulex modestus}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}ector {E}cology}, volume = {37}, numero = {2}, pages = {269--275}, ISSN = {1081-1710}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1948-7134.2012.00227.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010058194}, }