@article{fdi:010057260, title = {{C}ryptic diversity in {I}ndo-{A}ustralian rainbowfishes revealed by {DNA} barcoding : implications for conservation in a biodiversity hotspot candidate}, author = {{K}adarusman, and {H}ubert, {N}icolas and {H}adiaty, {R}. {K}. and {S}udaro, and {P}aradis, {E}mmanuel and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he rainbowfishes of the family {M}elanotaeniidae represent one of the largest radiations of freshwater fishes from the {I}ndo-{A}ustralian archipelago. {A} total of 75 nominal species have been described, among which several have become very popular among tropical fish hobbyists because of their tendency to form large schools of colourful individuals. {F}acing habitat loss and competition or predation by introduced species, this group has become a priority in the conservation of ornamental fishes in {I}ndonesia. {I}n this context, several expeditions have been conducted between 2007 and 2010 in {I}ndonesian {P}apua with the aim to initiate a large-scale survey of the genetic resources in this group. {W}e assessed the diversity of the {P}apua rainbowfishes with {DNA} barcoding. {W}e sequenced the mitochondrial {COI} gene for 350 specimens belonging to 53 nominal species throughout the {I}ndo-{A}ustralian archipelago. {U}nexpected levels of cryptic diversity and endemism were detected since additional cryptic lineages were detected in several watersheds from the {V}ogelkop and the {L}engguru massif. {DNA} barcoding supports the presence of nearly 30 evolutionary lineages among the 15 nominal species sampled in the {V}ogelkop and all these lineages are endemic to a single lake or watershed. {T}his result highlights that the diversity of the family has been largely underestimated and urges for the identification of conservation priorities in {P}apua.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {7}, numero = {7}, pages = {e40627}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0040627}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057260}, }