@article{fdi:010057133, title = {{A}ssessing the consistency of eddy covariance measurements under conditions of sloping topography within a hilly agricultural catchment}, author = {{Z}itouna-{C}hebbi, {R}. and {P}revot, {L}. and {J}acob, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {M}ougou, {R}. and {V}oltz, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he current current study addressed the consistency of eddy covariance ({EC}) measurements collected in sloping conditions within a hilly agricultural catchment. {I}n the context of operational monitoring and modelling devoted to decision support, it is important to increase the knowledge of surface fluxes under conditions of hilly topography. {T}he two-metre-high {EC} measurements were collected at the field scale within the two opposite rims of a {V}-shaped catchment located in northeastern {T}unisia on the southern shore of the {M}editerranean {B}asin. {M}easurements were collected under bare soil conditions to enhance the effects of the slopes. {T}he data pre-processing and quality control measures were conducted using standard procedures. {I}n assessing the consistency of the {EC} measurements we first compared the airflow inclinations captured by the {EC} measurements against the topographical slopes captured by a {D}igital {E}levation {M}odel; we then assessed the energy balance closure. {T}he analysis of the micrometeorological data indicated specific regimes: externally driven winds; forced convection; and stability conditions close to neutrality or low instability. {T}he two dominant wind directions induced upward and downward flows on the two opposite rims. {F}or the upward flows, the airflow inclinations followed the topographical slopes on both fields. {F}or the downward flows, the flows followed the topographical slopes on the southern rim and were almost horizontal on the other rim. {I}n all cases, and especially for the upward flows, the energy balance closure was similar to that reported in the literature. {O}verall, the behaviour observed for upward flows was close to that reported in the literature for flat conditions, whereas the downward flows exhibited different trends. {T}he different trends we observed for the downward flows were ascribed to the bubble separation zone that implies streamline dilatation, turbulence and reverse flows. {F}uture investigations should address the vegetation conditions. {T}he expected outcomes are of importance for revisiting the operational methods devoted to the estimation of evapotranspiration.}, keywords = {{A}gricultural hilly catchment ; {E}ddy-covariance measurements ; {S}loping conditions ; {A}irflow inclination ; {L}and surface energy balance}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural and {F}orest {M}eteorology}, volume = {164}, numero = {}, pages = {123--135}, ISSN = {0168-1923}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.05.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057133}, }