@article{fdi:010057107, title = {{L}and water storage changes from ground and space geodesy : first results from the {GHYRAF} ({G}ravity and {H}ydrology in {A}frica) experiment}, author = {{H}inderer, {J}. and {P}feffer, {J}ulia and {B}oucher, {M}arie and {N}ahmani, {S}. and {D}e {L}inage, {C}. and {B}oy, {J}. {P}. and {G}enthon, {P}ierre and {S}{\'e}guis, {L}uc and {F}avreau, {G}uillaume and {B}ock, {O}. and {D}escloitres, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper is devoted to the first results from the {GHYRAF} ({G}ravity and {H}ydrology in {A}frica) experiment conducted since 2008 in {W}est {A}frica and is aimed at investigating the changes in water storage in different regions sampling a strong rainfall gradient from the {S}ahara to the monsoon zone. {T}he analysis of {GPS} vertical displacement in {N}iamey ({N}iger) and {D}jougou ({B}enin) shows that there is a clear annual signature of the hydrological load in agreement with global hydrology models like {GLDAS}. {T}he comparison of {GRACE} solutions in {W}est {A}frica, and more specifically in the {N}iger and {L}ake {C}had basins, reveals a good agreement for the large scale annual water storage changes between global hydrology models and space gravity observations. {G}round gravity observations done with an {FG}5 absolute gravimeter also show signals which can be well related to measured changes in soil and ground water. {W}e present the first results for two sites in the {S}ahelian band ({W}ankama and {D}iffa in {N}iger) and one ({D}jougou in {B}enin) in the {S}udanian monsoon region related to the recharge-discharge processes due to the monsoonal event in summer 2008 and the following dry season. {I}t is confirmed that ground gravimetry is a useful tool to constrain local water storage changes when associated to hydrological and subsurface geophysical in situ measurements.}, keywords = {{A}frican monsoon ; {S}ahel ; water storage ; gravimetry ; {GPS} ; {MRS} ; {GRACE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ure and {A}pplied {G}eophysics}, volume = {169}, numero = {8}, pages = {1391--1410}, ISSN = {0033-4553}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1007/s00024-011-0417-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057107}, }