@article{fdi:010057063, title = {{B}iology and culture of the clown loach {C}hromobotia macracanthus ({C}ypriniformes, {C}obitidae) : 1- {H}ormonal induced breeding, unusual latency response and egg production in two populations from {S}umatra and {B}orneo {I}slands}, author = {{L}egendre, {M}arc and {S}atyani, {D}. and {S}ubandiyah, {S}. and {S}udarto, and {P}ouyaud, {L}aurent and {B}aras, {E}tienne and {S}lembrouck, {J}acques}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he clown loach {C}hromobotia macracanthus, endemic to {I}ndonesia, is a major species on the international market of ornamental freshwater fish. {I}n order to satisfy an increasing demand with a sustainable alternative to the massive capture of wild juveniles, research has been dedicated to the artificial propagation and domestication of this species. {T}he present study, the first of a series, focused on favourable maintenance conditions for broodfish sexual maturation, criteria for identification of ripe fish, efficiency of hormone-induced breeding treatments, predictability of their latency response, and on the comparison of reproductive performances of fish from populations of {S}umatra and {B}orneo {I}slands (in total, 112 females of 46 to 404 g body weight). {W}hen reared in fully controlled conditions in large water recirculation systems, broodfish originating from {S}umatra had reproductive performances similar to or slightly higher than those maturing in the wild (ovulation rate of 93% vs. 82%, relative fecundity of 109 277 vs. 103 550 ova kg(-1) and fertilization rate of 73% vs. 61%, respectively). {I}n the same rearing conditions, captive females from {B}orneo (n = 22) showed lower ovulation rate (77%), relative fecundity (76 262 ova kg(-1)) and fertilization rate (50%) than those originating from {S}umatra (n = 28). {B}y contrast, the mean individual weight of ova (around 0.8 mg) was independent from the origin or maintenance conditions of females. {A}n initial modal follicle diameter >= 1.02 mm generally led to high ovulation success (>80%) after hormonal treatment and is recommended as the main criterion for selecting female broodfish. {T}wo hormonal treatments for inducing oocyte maturation and ovulation ({T}1: two successive injections of {O}vaprim at a 6 h-interval; {T}2: one injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (h{CG})-and one of {O}vaprim 24 h later), produced similar results in terms of ovulation rate, quantity and quality of ova collected. {W}ith both treatments, the latency decreased with increasing water temperature, then increased again at temperatures >28-29 degrees {C}. {T}o our knowledge, such {U}-shaped relationship between the latency response and temperature has never been documented in teleost fishes.}, keywords = {{T}ropical freshwater fish ; {C}lown loach ; {R}eproduction ; {O}vulation ; {L}atency period ; {E}gg number ; {A}quaculture ; {O}rnamental fish ; {I}ndonesia}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {L}iving {R}esources}, volume = {25}, numero = {2}, pages = {95--108}, ISSN = {0990-7440}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1051/alr/2012008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010057063}, }