@article{fdi:010056678, title = {{E}ffectiveness of village-based marine reserves on reef invertebrates in {E}mau, {V}anuatu}, author = {{D}umas, {P}ascal and {J}imenez, {H}. and {L}{\'e}opold, {M}arc and {P}etro, {G}. and {J}immy, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}espite the current expansion of community-based marine conservation initiatives in the {P}acific, few studies have specifically addressed their ecological efficiency to restore or enhance reef invertebrate resources. {T}his paper investigated the effects of two very small (< 0.05 km(2)) recent village-based marine reserves (tabu areas) located along the shallow fringing reef of {E}mau island, {V}anuatu. {S}urveys focused on heavily harvested species (namely trochus, giant clams and green snails) and involved both experienced scientists and local villagers. {A}bundance, density and individual size data were collected by snorkelling along random transect belts located inside and outside the tabu areas, using simple {PVC} measuring tools specifically developed for participative monitoring. {H}abitat was assessed using a photographic method to quantitatively describe varied reef substrata. {R}esource recovery varied between the areas as a result of species-specific responses to contrasted reserve characteristics and local management practices. {F}ast-growing mobile {T}rochus niloticus exhibited strong positive abundance and size responses only within the older larger tabu area through the combined effects of protection from harvesting and translocation actions by local fishers. {S}imilar trends were observed to a lesser extent for sessile slow-growing giant clams ({T}ridacna spp.), but these were not significant after four years of closure. {D}espite historical evidence of their presence in the area, surveys emphasized the severe population collapse of the heavily targeted green snail ({T}urbo marmoratus). {U}nder certain conditions, very small-scale reserves, such as those implemented by village-based conservation initiatives, can rapidly and efficiently enhance local reef invertebrate resources. {I}t is still unclear whether the changes are sufficient to restore critical levels of spawning biomass at larger scale and reverse the severe depletion of invertebrate resources occurring in {V}anuatu.}, keywords = {coral reefs ; invertebrates ; community-based management ; {P}acific ; {VANUATU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {C}onservation}, volume = {37}, numero = {3}, pages = {364--372}, ISSN = {0376-8929}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1017/s0376892910000536}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010056678}, }