@article{fdi:010055726, title = {{D}'une production localis{\'e}e {\`a} une indication g{\'e}ographique en {A}mazonie : les enjeux {\'e}cologiques de la production de farinha de {C}ruzeiro do {S}ul}, author = {{E}mperaire, {L}aure and {E}loy, {L}. and da {C}unha, {M}.{C}. and de {A}lmeida, {M}.{W}.{B}. and van {V}elthem, {L}.{H}. and {S}antilli, {J}. and {K}atz, {E}sther and {R}izzi, {R}. and {S}ilveira, {J}.{S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{L}ocalized production using {G}eographical {I}ndications in the {A}mazon: {T}he ecological stakes related to producing the cassava flour of {C}ruzeiro do {S}ul {T}he valorisation of local products using geographical indications is a relatively recent development in {B}razil. {T}he 'cassava flour' of {C}ruzeiro do {S}ul ({U}pper {J}urua, {A}cre) is likely to receive this sign of quality. {I}t remains to be seen whether a {GI} ({G}eographical {I}ndication) can assure the continuity of this {A}mazonian product that involves elements both of ecological and cultural origin. {I}t is a hybrid product, resulting from {N}ortheast {B}razilian know-how and {W}estern {A}mazonian cassava varieties. {B}ecause of its particular organoleptic qualities, it has gained a national reputation. {H}owever, its commercial development is based on the extension of cultivated areas taking over forest areas. {P}ublic policies do not integrate environmental and cultural dimensions of this production but rather focus their action on sanitary standards, homogeneity of the product and visibility of its packaging. {F}inally, this case highlights the difficulties in applying the geographical indications system to a heterogeneous social and ecological context.}, keywords = {{A}mazonia ; {B}razil ; cassava ; deforestation ; designation of origin ; {BRESIL} ; {ACRE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers {A}gricultures}, volume = {21}, numero = {1}, pages = {25--33}, ISSN = {1166-7699}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1684/agr.2012.0537}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055726}, }