@article{fdi:010055648, title = {{T}oward a dynamic concept of the subduction channel at erosive convergent margins with implications for interplate material transfer}, author = {{V}annucchi, {P}. and {S}age, {F}. and {M}organ, {J}.{P}. and {R}emitti, {F}. and {C}ollot, {J}ean-{Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}onvergent plate boundaries accommodate intraplate displacement within a similar to 100-1000 m thick shear zone. {M}arine geophysicists typically define this zone, the subduction channel ({SC}), as the sedimentary layer between the downgoing oceanic crust and the base of the upper plate. {G}eologists and modelers, instead, perceive the {SC} as a specific type of shear zone. {T}he original theory of {SC}s was developed when the net accretion of marine sediments to the forearc was thought to typify a convergent margin. {W}hile erosive margins were briefly mentioned, their mechanics were not discussed in any detail. {W}e now realize that subduction erosion is taking place at roughly half of the modern subduction margins. {H}ere we review and revise the theory of erosive {SC}s (1) to unify this concept across disciplines, focusing on the meaning of the channel's boundaries; (2) to redefine the portions of the forearc included in the {SC} concept; and (3) to better idealize this dynamic system where material supply to the channel, fluid content, and the heterogeneity of deformation all influence the {SC}'s upper and lower boundaries. {M}igration of the channel boundaries controls the downdip variation of tectonic mechanisms that shape the margin. {W}ithin the shallow, <15 km deep part of the {SC}, a gradual change of physical properties defines three zones; zone 1 of rapid fluid dewatering, zone 2 of overpressure, and zone 3 with metamorphic fluid release. {A} {SC} is a dynamic feature with along-strike and downdip variations caused by changes in channel material, in trapped fluid contents, and in interplate boundary geometry.}, keywords = {plate boundary ; tectonic erosion ; {COSTA} {RICA} ; {EQUATEUR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eochemistry {G}eophysics {G}eosystems}, volume = {13}, numero = {}, pages = {{Q}02003}, ISSN = {1525-2027}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1029/2011gc003846}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010055648}, }